Chapter 22

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Camila's POV

I ran towards the exit as I did not wait for Michelle. But soon enough she caught up with me. "Hey now." She said as she turned me around slowly. I can not hold it any longer as I sob and cry. Michelle pull me on a hug and that made my tears flow more quickly. "Hey c'mon you might want to rest.. I know a prefect place where you would love to go." Michelle said as she wipes my tears off my cheeks. She intertwined our hands together and squeezed it to reassure I smiled weakly at her. We then entered my car and drive off. As I watch the scenery to see where we might be going but then it's never familiar to me but it also looks like the street is abandoned. Soon enough I can see an abandoned carnival. I looked at Michelle questioningly as she just shrug her shoulders and grabs the food we bought on the way here. She also grabbed blankets incase it got cold. We sneaked in the carnival and Michelle guided me to the Ferris wheel. "Are you sure this will work?" I asked her. She shakes her head and mouthed no. I raised my eyebrow at her. She then ties the basket around her waist with a rope. "We are climbing this Ferris wheel and you know at the top? We can climb on one of the basket." She said as she smiled at me. I looked at her shocked because I know that Michelle was never a fan of heights. She despise them and now she's doing this for me. I shake my head no. "Hey I know how much you hate heights we can just go somewhere else." I said. "It's time to face something you are afraid off" She said calmly. I just sighed in defeat because I know I will never win. We started climbing on the Ferris wheel and soon we are in the basket. The basket is made of glass so you would see what surrounds you and luckily the basket that we are on can see the whole thing. We are on the very top and this Ferris wheel is really high. I look over at Michelle and I can tell that her breathing is uneven. I then intertwined our hands together "Michelle look at me." I said. She looked at me in the eye and smiled weakly. "I want you to breath with me." I said. Inhale... Exhale... Inhale.. Exhale... "Ok good." I said I then lead her to the side where you can look over the city.  "Now what I want you to do is I want you to look over it and not down. I want you to take in the beauty and don't ever think the fear of falling.. Ok?" I said as she still looks into my eyes. I then turned her around to let her see the beautiful city. She intakes a breath and breaths out "Wow... This is beautiful... I don't know that heights is not that bad." She said and looked around. We then finished sightseeing and eating the food. We left the food basket and the blankets because we might come here next time and we don't want to have the struggle on carrying them up again. I did not ask Michelle what she know about the marriage or how long she knew. I just don't want to have an argument or a crying session because I don't think I have more tears to cry out. We soon arrived in my condo.

Michelle's POV

I know that Camila still wants an alone time and she wasn't really enjoying the Ferris wheel but it gave her ease and air to think and be free from the problem she was facing. We soon arrived in her condo "Hey Michelle.. When Lauren and Ally came tell them I head out." Camila informed me. I nodded my head as I gave her a hug. She then left and I have no idea where she would be. She might go to the beach or somewhere high to think. So I waited for my twin and her girlfriend to arrive but while waiting I decided to cook lunch.

Camila's POV

I was never a liquor person but I do it when I think there is no best way to forget my problems. I don't think I can escape this anymore. I saw this coming and I kept on continuing to love someone else. I think it's time to ace the consequences. I stopped in a beer store and grab beers and one hard liquor. I then drive back to my condo. Me loving the heights. I am the only one in the building who has access in the rooftop. I set the roof top up with comfortable short couch and a tent that cover the top and the side. There's also a carpet under the couch. It's really comfy. As I take off my shoes and settled the beers beside my feet. I opened one beer and chug it down. I now starting to love the burning sensation of alcohol in my throat.

Lauren's POV

Ally and I returned to the condo because when we returned in the coffee shop expecting the four of them to be their laughing or cracking jokes they weren't. S we headed home. As we entered the condo I noticed that no one was there but I can hear there was someone in the kitchen. The smell of baked chicken hit my nose and my tummy growled so did Ally's we both looked at each other and laugh. We made our way towards the kitchen and we only found Michelle standing there taking out the last batch of the chicken legs out of the oven. "Hey you guys are home." she greeted us "I cooked lunch" She informed. "HHmmm Thanks! It smells good." Ally said. I nodded my head in agreement. "Where's Camz?" I asked. "She said she was heading out." Michelle said but her eyes twinkled with concern and so did Ally and ofcourse im sure mine did too. I grabbed a container and stuff it with 12 chicken legs because Michelle probably cooked like 50 and I'm not exaggerating! Michelle and Ally looked at me questioningly "I might know where she is. and you all know how she loves chicken." I explained. Ally giggled. "Yup! And she actually need her best of best friend right now." Ally said. "Yeah she does. and I will be here with my best friend." Michelle said. I laughed and grabbed another 12 chicken legs and put it on a container so all in all I am carrying 24 chicken legs hahahah I don't know why but I just have the feel to do that. I then pecked Ally's lips and grabbed my keys . I just remembered that Camila gave me a spare key when I took Ally on a date on the roof top of her condo. I'm pretty sure she is there because I helped her move the couch and the carpet and the tent up there before when she is having a problem and invited me. As I opened the door. I saw Camila sitting there staring at the beautiful city, she then drank something in a bottle. As I made my way to sit beside her I saw the beers and a bottle of hard liquor beside her feet. "Wow. This was highly unlikely you." I said. "Oh Lolo! Hi!" She said. I sat beside her and offered the other container. "What's this? It smells so good!" She exclaimed as she puts down the beer and takes the container. She opened it "Oh Lolo You know me so well." Camz exclaimed as she took a bite. "Michelle cooked it." I said. 'Really? That would be the last thing I expect from her to do. She don't like cooking at all." she said shocked at the fact that Michelle cooked. I was too! I wonder where she learn how to bake a chicken? I then noticed that Camila had a one empty beer bottle and the other one is half way. down. I took one beer and takes a sip. I won't drink much so that someone will watch over Camz. We ate and drink in silence for awhile. "You know Camz. It's actually good that Michelle is the one that you are marrying." I said. Camila's jaw clenched. "That is true but Lolo you know who I want to marry! You who I want to love!" She exclaimed . "But look on the bright side Camz. You had a huge crush on Michelle when we are in highschool and you guys had a past so don't worry about it." I said. I know I might be getting into her nerves but c'mon I can't help it. "Lolo! I expect that words least from you! I thought you would be the one telling me you don't like the fact that I'm marrying your twin." She screamed at me frustrated. "I'm sorry Camz! I know I'm sorry but please don't torture yourself." I suggested. She just sighed and gulped down the rest of her beer and she willingly opened another one. It's sad to see her like this but c'mon Camz you just have to wait. I know you are strong! Do it for Dinah. I said through my mind don't want her to hear Dinah's name because that's name that used to make her grin widely but now it's the same name that breaks that grin off her face.

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