Chapter 2

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Camila's POV

I woke up early in the morning. I looked at the alarm clock and it says 5:30 am. I stretched my body out and stood up from my bed. I took a shower and prepared to go for a jog. I grab my earbuds, phone case so that when I run I'll just wrap it around my waist. I walk over my night stand and grab my phone, beside it was the picture of the girl. It was a random picture I took few years ago. Someone with a nice body playing volleyball. I don't know she's just pretty so yeah. I took my phone and went to the kitchen. I went over to get some pencil and sticky notes. "Hey guys I went for a jog, there's food in the fridge.. Trust me they're new the caretaker went out yesterday and got some food for us" I finished writing things and I walked outside. I jog along the beach to the my secret place where you can see the sun rising. No one goes there surprisingly. Out of nowhere someone bumped in to my shoulder causing me to lost my balance. Before I can even hit the sand. Strong soft arms caught me. I looked up to see who it was and I saw the girl in the photo. "Miss are you ok?" She asked as she helped to stand on my own. I nodded my head "Yeah I'm good. You have fast reflex." I said. "Well yeah I guess?" she mumbled unsure of what she said. "I'm Camila by the way." I said extending my hands for a handshake. She took it and shake mine properly. "Nice name! I'm Dinah Jane. But you can call me whatever suits you" She said. "So I see that you are going for a jogging?" She asked. "Oh yeah I was." I replied. As I analyze her face it looks so beautiful and she had some Boyence looks. "How about you? Where you up to?" I asked as we continue walking down the beach. "Oh I was also jogging. So are you here for vacation?" She asked. I nodded my head "Yeah. I just want to have a break from all the business. I just want to enjoy my single life." I said extending my arms as if I'm trying to catch some sprinkles. "Wait.. Enjoy your single life?" She asked emphasizing the word single. "Yup. I'm going to be married to someone I don't know because my parents arranged it for some business." I said. I don't know why but it feels ok to open to her. "Really? You too! Because my parents decided to do it for me too." She said. "Wow really? That sucks for the both us then." I said. "Yup!" She said popping the letter p at the end. I didn't realize that we are walking towards my beach house. "so do you want to grab some breakfast with me? Since my beach house is like right there." I said pointing at the beach house. She nodded her head. "Sure but can I invite two people?" She asked. I nodded my head. "Sure bring them along." I said. "Ok" She said while typing up something on her phone. "Hey Normani."....... "Yeah we just got invited to have a breakfast at Camila's house"......"I met Camila while I'm having my jog."........"Yeah she is."......."Remember how I brought you along before?"........"Yeah you just have to go through their and keep on going straight. And if you see a beach house with a lot of palm trees around it. I'll be there"......"Yup ok. see you there. Bye." She the hang up and smiled at me. "Let's go?" I asked. She nodded her head, smirking "Race you there." She said then took off. I gasp "Cheater!" I scream running after her. "Ha! I won!" She said with pure victory written all over her face. "Well that was because you cheated." I said in between breaths. She laughed. We then entered my beach house. "Come in. My friends are probably cooking breakfast now." I said. She followed me to the kitchen and I found Ally and Lauren cooking breakfast. Well mostly Ally and Lauren hugging her from behind. "Oh hi Mila! You brought a friend?" Ally asked. I nodded my head "Yup! And she also invited two more friends over, so I think we have to cook more?" I asked. She nodded her head. "Sure thing" I look over at Dinah "You can go sit down or help me with the plates?" I asked her. "I'll help you." She said. I nodded my head and lead the way to the cupboard. I handed her plates. I took some forks and I got cups. We both settled it down on the table and Dinah's phone started ringing. "I think they're here." She said. I nodded my head "I'll open the door." I said. I opened the door and I found a guy and a girl. "So you must be Normani?" I asked the girl. She nodded her head "In flesh! And this is my boyfriend Arin" Arin put up his hand for a handshake and I shook it firmly. "Nice to meet you guys my name is Camila. Why don't you guys come inside and lets eat?" I asked inviting them inside. They both nodded their head and walked in. Dinah, Ally, and Lauren are already settled on their seat. I sat beside Lauren. "Lauren?" Normani asked. "Normani?" Lauren asked back. "Wow what a small world after all. huh?" Normani asked. We all probably looked so confused because both of them laughed. "Well we were in the same softball team in high school. It was a long time ago but wow it's a small world indeed." Lauren said. Normani and Arin took their seat and we started eating. They both catch up on each others lives and telling us stories. We decided to go wakeboarding and after that a bonfire. I also invited them to live here since we are mostly going to spend our vacation together. Well they said yes and they are moving in before we start the bonfire. I don't know why but I feel so comfortable with them mostly to Dinah. She's funny and she's fun to be around. 

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