Chapter 10

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Dinah's POV

I woke up with stirring Camila in my arms. Well mostly half of her body was on top of me. There was a strand of hair that covers her beautiful yet cute face. I tuck the strand behind her ear and she scrunches up her nose and I stifle a giggle because  don't want to wake her up. I tried untangling myself from Camila gently but failed. She wraps her arms that drapes on my waist tightly. "Where do you think you're going?" She asked as she giggled. I chuckled and positioned Camila on top of me not straddling though  but she was just laying there  like a little cutie she is. We stayed in a comfortable silence for a while when all of the sudden her head poops up like a pop corn. "Shoot! Demi is staying here and we have to make her breakfast." She quickly said as she untangle herself from me and quickly grabbing her robe. She also took mine and throw it at me. We charges in the kitchen but my clumsy Camila fell in the middle of the run. I laughed at her but she playfully glared at me. "C'mon then hop on my back my little cutie." I said turning around so that my back is facing her. She jumped on my back and I ran around the house. She didn't complain about me not going straight to the kitchen instead she laughed along with me. "Cheechee let's go make breakfast!" She screamed on top of her lungs. I darted through the kitchen and settled her down on the counter. Camila reached for the cup and for the pitcher. She filled the cup with water and handed it to me. I chugged the water down my throat and gave her a smile. I looked at her admiringly as she stare at me too. I looked at her lips and back to her eyes. She bit her lower lips as her arms snaked around my neck and used her legs to pull me closer to her. In instinct my hand rests on the side of waist. We both leaned in and we stopped mid-way to look into each others eyes. We both blushed and gave each other a shy smile. I closed the gap between us. Our lips moved in synch with the rhythm of our beating hearts. My tongue licked the bottom of her lip; asking for permission which she happily granted. Our tongue fought for dominance and we break away slowly. I pecked her lips lightly and I pecked her nose which causes her to scrunch it up cutely. I nuzzle our nose together before I helped her down the counter. "Ok chef Camila! What should we make for breakfast today?" I asked. She looked at me and pinches both of my cheeks and nuzzle our nose together. "Bacon..... Eggs..... Pancakes.... and of course bananas." She said in between pecks. We are in the middle of cooking well mostly Camila cooking and me hugging her from behind as we gently sway back and forth Demi walked in.

Demi's POV

Honestly I was awake the whole time, they chased each other around the house, piggy back rides, kissing on the counter. Yes I saw everything. I didn't watch creepily I just witnessed it. I also did not watch the whole kissing thing when their lips connected I left the kitchen and walk into my room. I accepted the fact that they might be dating or in a relationship but I can't accept the fact that I still have feelings for Dinah. Then I made my way towards the kitchen after all of the thinking. I walked in and they look really sweet and ok fine I admit that they look cute together. I can't help but to feel really jealous because Dinah and I never done that! Those little cheesy moments that sparks everytime that even I can feel it. "Oh hey Demi! Dinah and I cooked breakfast just sit there and the girls will come - well now since they are here." Camila announced enthusiastically while Dinah looks at her as if she's the most valuable thing on her. "Aaaaww thanks! What'd you guys cook?" I asked excitedly well probably Camila's enthusiasm radiates to me.

Dinah's POV

We are all now settled on our respected seat as we eat breakfast. "So Dinah? Have you met your future wife yet?" Demi asked all of the sudden. I glanced at Camila as she shifted nervously and I can tell that she's uncomfortable. I shake my head no. "How about you? Have you proposed to Selena yet?" I asked her. Camila looked at me questioningly and blurts out "Delena is real?" She asked shocked. I chuckled at her because I know that her fangirl mode will be switched on any second now. She then glared at me. "You're friends with Demi and you didn't even mentioned it?" Camila asked in disbelief. "Well you didn't tell me that you are also good friends with Austin Mahone." I said. "That's only Austin! He is really popular but c'mon it's Demi! You know how much Demi means to me." She said poking her bottom lips out and making that irresistible cute puppy face.  "Well Demi and I are not really friends unlike you and Austin." I explained. Demi's faced looked hurt. "Yeah more of like acquaintance" Normani butt in. "Ok Are you somehow related to Megan fox?" Demi asked Lauren changing the subject quickly. I looked over at Normani and we both shared a victorious smirk. As we finished eating breakfast Lauren and Ally volunteered to wash the dishes. "Hey Dinah can we talk for a minute? If you don't mind Camila." Demi asked shyly. "Oh no not at all. You guys probably need to catch up." Camila said. She pecked my lips and sits with Normani and Arianna. Demi and I walked towards the garden behind the house. We didn't really walked in the garden but we are just around the corner. I  turned around to look at Demi but she quickly crashed her lips on mine.

Camila's POV

Dinah and Demi walked out the house they walk towards the garden at the back of my house seconds after Dinah's phone started to ring. I looked to see on who was calling and it was her mom. I answered the phone as I made my way out to follow them. "Hey ma'am" I greeted her formally. "Hi, may I know who this is please?" She asked me. "Oh where are my manners. My name is Camila. Camila Cebello." I said. "Oh ok cn you pass the phone to Dinah?" She asked. I turned around the corner and before I can even answer Dinah's mom. I saw Demi crash her lips on Dinah's

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