Chapter 1

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Nami was extremely intuitive. With quickened steps, she pushed open the gym door and could feel Bellamy, the cheer-leading captain looking at her with more-than-amused eyes. Had always looked for opportunities to speak to her separate from the group and with her being 10 minutes late to practice presented itself almost too perfectly.

Avoiding eye contact, she greeted her friends, Vivi and Caimie and shifted her orange duffel bag on her shoulder heading to the locker room to change.

As expected, Bellamy was on her tail.

"Look what the cat dragged in," he teased.

Of course he was ignored but Bellamy was a persistent son of a b-

"Nami, wait."

"Can't. I have to go get dressed."

"That's what I want to talk to you about."

Nami rolled her eyes and with a frustrated draw of breath, she turned to face him.

Bellamy's face drew a smile, eyeing her folded arms and uninterested arched brows. He loved it when girls played hard to get.

"That's the second time this week. You really should-"

"I had to ask a teacher a question in the staff room. Exams are coming up. Besides, it's warm up time so I'm technically not late. Now, will you excuse me, I have to change. I'm sure the captain wouldn't like it if I waste anymore time talking about petty matters, would he?"

Nami continued her walk away and Bellamy's insides burned with achievement. Was convinced that she was without a doubt flirting with him. It was about damn time. For months she had finally taken notice of his manly charms.

Much to her annoyance, Bellamy called out to her again when she was about to close the door.

"What?" she asked trying hard to keep the bite out her tone.

"I was wondering," Bellamy said running a hand through his burnt blond hair (A move he learned the ladies loved from a late night internet search.). "If we can go out for a bite to eat sometime."

Nami cringed internally at the act more than the overused question. She had lost count of the many times he tried to score a date with her. Mustering up a little smile to get his hopes up she dropped it quickly after with deadpanned eyes.

"Not happening," she said, slamming the door shut.

Bellamy didn't mind. A few more tries would surely soften her up. When it came to guys like him, she didn't know what she was missing.

Detention hour came to a close and Luffy blinked awake. His lips curved at the familiar sound of the bell. It felt like ages sitting down writing lines and he was a starving mess. If detention was longer, he was 100% sure that he would have died.

"Everyone stand," said Mr. Jimbei, the overweight Biology teacher, "I hope that you all have learned your lesson today. This school has rules and it is your job to respect them."

"Yes sir."

"'Good. Now each of you bring your lines as I call your names. You may be seated." Mr. Jimbei took a sip of his water and cleared his throat to begin.

The class grumbled and everyone took their seats as the first name was called.

Luffy bopped his feet under the table. Knowing that his name would not be called anytime soon, he decided to look over his paper.

(1) I will not eat during class.

(2) I will not eat during class.

(3) I will not eat during class.

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