Chapter 3

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Ms. Robin, the history teacher assigned Roronoa Zoro to collect the test papers from the class.

When done he handed them over and her soft fingers happened to graze his.

He flinched eliciting a quiet chuckle from her and she watched him leave -along with the other students- with a huff. Hands gripping at his bag straps.

She especially liked teasing the students who had crushes on her. Roronao Zoro was different from the rest. Mature and disciplined- like an adult.

She would be nothing short of a liar if she didn't find that fact about him attractive. However, he knew his place and so did she. But maybe fate had other plans.

Now left in an empty classroom, she began gathering the sheets and thinking that she had everything checked off, she sweatdropped remembering that she had forgotten to assign a student to clean the board.

Just when she was about to start, Monkey D. Luffy showed up evidently out of breath.

"Thank goodness I made it in time," he said.

Giving him one look, she smiled deducing him suitable for the job. He was not tall like others his age- had a lot of growing up to do- but he'll be able to assist her just fine.

Luffy blinked when the duster was pushed his way and without hesitation, the board was sparkling within seconds.

"Can I ask you something?"


"Do you know where Nami is? I thought that since you were her homeroom teacher that you might know... so please."

"Is she a friend of yours?"

"No...- I mean yes." He honestly didn't know what they were. "The truth is that I made her cry and I need a way to reach her so I can properly apologize. I didn't mean to."

Robin's heart reached out to him. Monkey D. Luffy was secretly one of her favourite students. His excitement to learn about the adventures of famous travelers could never get old. He always listened with wide-eyed wonder. Like a child's very first time listening to a fairy tale.

"Nami hasn't been at school for 2 days."

Luffy kept his ears peeled. The rumours were true. He knew to himself that the fault was his but he wanted to make things right.

"Come with me."

He followed her out.

"I've collected all her homework from the other teachers. Normally we would let fellow students take them or a close friend but I happen to be good friends with her mum, you see."

"So does that mean..?"

"Yup. I'm taking you straight to her. Bring Nami back, okay?"

The firm nod and appreciative smile was all the assurance Robin needed. She expected nothing less from one of her favourite students.

Nami slipped into her comfy house slippers and left her room- her sanctuary for the past two days.

On route to the kitchen, she came across her mum decked in her light pink dressing gown with a cigarette dangling lazily from her lips laying down sideways on the couch flipping through the channels.

"Hey kiddo," she said, "Mind getting me a glass of water?"

Nami filled a cup with ice and was soon at her mother's side with the requested beverage.

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