Chapter 28

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On her way inside, Nami was met with the dirty dishes piled high in the sink. She hated seeing a mess so disregarding them till morning was out of the question.

Thanks to Luffy, there were no leftovers. She scraped the bones in the nearby bin and hummed a happy tune. Water filled the sink and she set to work. When she came upon Luffy's plate, she huffed a sigh and shook her head with a smile. It was licked clean. If he liked her cooking that much, she wouldn't mind cooking for him again. She just needed the opportunity.

Now that the kitchen was spick and span, Nami turned the lights off and checked in on Nojiko. For some reason her lights were still on. To her surprise, she found her up playing games on her phone.

Her sister looked up as if Goda had sent her an angel.

"Can you get me a glass of water?"

She tried her luck but it wasn't working and Nami leaned against the door frame with folded arms.

"Please?" Nojiko rolled her eyes.

That's more like it.

When Nami returned, Nojiko had out a deck of cards and without question Nami secured a spot on her bed and got comfortable. She loved a good card game especially when there was money involved.

"Whatever happened to going to bed?"

Nojiko shrugged, "Changed my mind." She lifted the cup to her lips, " Thanks for this by the way."

"No problem."

Nami looked through her cards and thought about the best possible way to win her $40 back. If she could win more that would be divine.

"So remember when I said that I would take a gap year after school?"


"I've decided to find a job."

Nami's eyebrows disappeared into her hairline.

"What about college?"

Nojiko had decent grades but she didn't want to be chained to school any longer. High school was great and all but she wasn't the biggest fan of homework and exams etc.

"You know me better than that, Nami. My plan is to save up enough money to one day buy a plot of land to help mum with the orchard she's always dreamed about."

Nami grinned. Never thought her sister was the type to plan ahead.

"Mum has no idea. I want it to be a surprise."

"That's great, Nojiko. Is that what you really want to do?"

Her sister never talked much about dreams or aspirations. She was a more go-with-the-flow kind of gal.

"I love mum's oranges more than anything and other people ought to know what real oranges taste like. Not that crap they sell in the stores. Her oranges will be famous. Mark my words. I don't mind sharing mum's dream. I know it'll take some time..."

"But you'll get there," said Nami and Nojiko beamed, grateful for the push.

She took another sip and watched Nami play another winning hand. However, she had no reason to fear. She was sick of waiting. It was about time her sister spilled the beans.

"How was it?"

"How was what?" Nami stopped and looked up from the cards she gathered.

"The sex."

Nojiko wished she had a video camera seeing Nami swallow hard and her skin was void of colour. She wasn't breathing and her eyes were wide and unmoving. The thought of money went straight out the window. She couldn't believe her ears.

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