Chapter 24.5

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Nami stood and heard the bones in her knees crack and she threw her arms skyward to get in the extra stretch, humming and smiling feeling ready to face the day.

She had some prepping to do and although her stomach growled having not eaten breakfast as yet, all Nami had on the brain was Luffy and their upcoming trip.

He had to get permission from his dad but said that it wouldn't be a problem. That they'll find a way if things didn't work out for the best and Nami was on the tip of her toes with excitement.

She entered the house and Nojiko snorted and laugh out loud as she passed her sitting cool and calm in the living room.


"That was some kiss."

"Y-You were spying on us?"

"I wasn't at first but after hearing Genzo-san's loud voice, I wanted to see what the commotion was about only to see Luffy eating your face a second later."

"He did not."

"He so did."

Nami gave Nojiko a sharp look but her face diminished into horror when she waved her phone about.

"I took pictures," she said, having pulled them up. "Check this one out."

The phone was jotted in Nami's direction but Nami too embarrassed to look, turned her face away.

"Please delete them."

"Fat chance. I'm showing mum."

"You can't!"

"Why not?"

Nojiko came across a great one. Luffy was holding Nami super close, one hand burried in her disheveled hair and the other dangerously close to her lower back.

"You didn't tell me that Luffy was such a bad boy, Nami."


"20 what?"

"I'll give you $20 to delete those pictures."

"Not happening."


"Not even 100. You'll have to kill me first," joked Nojiko glancing up to see Nami charging right at her; not even giving her a chance to react as she tackled her to the floor.

They wrestled till they turned their home upside down forgetting their mother's one and only wish.

The scolding they got upon her return was enough to make a grown man cry and they were ordered to clean the entire house from the bottom to the top.

After learning what the big deal was and after seeing the pictures- much to Nami's dismay- Bellemere sat Nami down and had what we all know as 'The Talk'.

Nami hated it, groaning and cringing, blushing mad all the way through. She hated it when she was 7 and she hated it more so now.

It was all Nojiko's fault and Nami wanted nothing more than sweet, sweet revenge.

To be continued...

Author's Note

Thanks for reading thus far everyone! But we have a problem.

Not gonna say that I'm entitled or anything like that but the feedback on this fanfic as a whole has been discouraging, underwhelming, sad, I could go on and on but seriously...

My second Love Language to my surprise is words of affirmation and though I don't care much for it in my daily life, I do however crave it when I know I've put in lot of time and effort to write this fanfic for not just my but your entertainment as well.

The LuNa community has gone dead (IMO). I get that One Piece doesn't push romance but the LuNa community was off the rails a few years ago; now it's disappointing. I can't even find a decent fanfic to read nowadays which is part of the reason I've decided to write my own.

I check the stats for this story every now and then and I see that I have readers. I see when someone adds this story to their favourites and alerts and I see when that number reduces.

The fact that reviews are almost non-existent when I post a new chapter makes the latter a horrible experience.

"Where did I go wrong? Did I take too long to update? Does my story suck?" I ask myself only to get over it and keep posting new chapters as soon as I get it written.

There are parts that make me cringe and there are parts that I completely adore, I'll admit but I'll appreciate an opinion, a kind word.

I aspire to be a real writer one day so please let me know where I need to improve. It'll be much appreciated.

I have a fantastic idea for a new fic so when this one is done I'll start it and make that be it for my contribution to this fandom or might just make 'A Chance At Your Heart' be the one where I dust my hands clean once and for all.

It has been fun but the amount of anxiety I get sometimes from this simple hobby is ridiculous. I'll do what I think is best so don't tell me to stop or take breaks. Writing is my passion after all and I do what I like and like what I do.

Hope this inspires you. If not, woe is me.

Maybe I'm just wasting my time as my mum says.

Maybe she's right.


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