Chapter 4

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Zoro knew that something was up. He could feel it.

The witch had made an appearance after 48 hours much to his dismay. Had seriously hoped that she would have switched schools. But low and behold, she was present please; smiling and laughing with her friends.

Her smiles were a little wider and her laughter a little louder. The boys stared a little longer but like usual, she paid them no mind.

She was also off his case for once but Zoro thought wrong thinking that he had gotten rid of her once and for all.

Bellamy and his friends were heading out the cafeteria with half-eaten lunches in tow; off to their favourite eating spot.

Suddenly, Bellamy saw Nami passing on her way in and he just had to call out to her. You know, because he thinks that he still has a chance.

"Not eating with your sister today, Nami?"

"That's none of your business."

Bellamy's comrades snickered and he continued.

"How about you eat with us for a change?"

"No thanks," she said and left, leaving him behind. He became red in the face.

"Just give up already, man. She isn't interested." Starkiss tried lifting the mood but Bellamy was not having it.

He gave his friends one look and they all went white in the face. It was taboo to get on Bellamy's bad side.

One day Nami would be his. He was an optimist (or so he told himself). Today was just not that day.

In the bustling room, Luffy, Zoro, Chopper and Usopp scarfed down their food. Eating early meant more time for fun and games and they could even squeeze in some time for football practice.

"And there was this time when I-" Usopp paused in the middle of his awe-inspiring tale to stare dumbfounded at the new arrival standing behind Luffy.

Everyone else stopped chewing. It was Nami.

Some in the cafeteria who took notice whispered amongst themselves. What business did a popular girl like Nami have at the soccer players' table?

Luffy swirved around and swallowed a mouth full of food. He was curious to know what the big deal was.

"Oh hi, Nami!"

She smiled knowingly ignoring the glare coming from her green-haired classmate.

"Can I sit with you?"

"Sure," Luffy said and dressed over to give her space.

Nami regarded the blank, confused expressions on everyone's faces and she figured it best to introduce herself.

"Cut the crap," said Zoro right after taking a long drink of water, slamming the half empty bottle on the table. Chopper jumped.

"We all know who you are. What you need to start explaining is what gives you the right to sit at our table?"

A foot came down and thumped the top of his head and a dark aura leaked out from the swordsman as he glared at the swirly-browed cook.

"That's no way to talk to a lady, dumbass."

"Yeah Zoro. Be nice to Nami," said Luffy with a frown.

Sanji took his seat beside Chopper. It was refreshing seeing a girl at their table for once.

"How are you, Nami-san?"

"I'm fine."

"Have you come all this way to tell me that you've decided to be with me?"

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