Chapter 12

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She remembered her first day on the team. She remembered it all too well. And knew without the help of rocket science that the captain had taken a liking to her. The kind of liking that made her skin crawl.

There were indeed girls who would do anything to be with him but she never found him attractive nor interesting nor worthy enough to entertain her company but phrases like:


"I'm not interested."

and the like just led to more unwanted advances and Nami wondered why she didn't do this sooner.


There were not many things in the world that could stop a girl on a mission and the sign on the door leading to the roof was not one of them. School ended an hour ago and beginning her climb, Nami was well aware that a few students spotted her. They whispered behind their hands with smart remarks no doubt but unfortunately for them she didn't give a damn.

Word got out and the rumours spread like wild fire. Not a single one had to do with how badly Luffy was humiliated or how much of a scumbag Bellamy was to him. All fingers were pointed at Nami. Some she mistook as friends distanced themselves saying the world about her behind her back. They showed their true colours. A loss that turned out to be a gain. Nami took everything with a grain of salt and carried about her day with her nose high in the air. Unfazed.

Reaching the top, Nami squinted at the sun, feeling the cold wind cut at her face and tussle her hair. Immediately she saw and felt her heart skip a beat happy to have found him. He too turned at her presence and his eyes grew wide.

"How'd you know I'd be here?"

"Usopp. Said you liked to escape up here every now and then whenever you're upset."

Nami drew herself closer and Luffy rose his hands out like a traffic warden who was a tad too passionate about his job.

"Stop. Go away, Nami," he said and returned to watching the horizon wanting nothing but to be alone.

But instead of cooperating, Nami's quick steps and heavy heels fast approached and she gave him one solid hit across the back of his head.

"Ow! What was that for, Nami?!"

His girlfriend plopped down beside him and he made a throaty sound of surprise.

"Idiot. I haven't seen you all day and all you have to say to me is go away? You of all people should know that it'll take more than that to get rid of me, Luffy. Usopp said that you skipped all your classes and Sanji-kun said that you didn't even make it to lunch. You're not only worrying me Luffy but your friends too."

"I'm sorry. It's just... complicated."

"I know everything. Zoro told me."

Luffy's face took on a deeper than deep frown. Screw Zoro. He'd never forgive the bastard for what he did.

"I know that he's been hurting you more than once and you let him... What he did was unforgiveable. Why didn't you tell someone?"

"I thought I could handle it."

"But you didn't expect it to get as bad as it did."

"... Yeah."

"Did you honestly think that I'd be pleased to know that someone I care about got hurt because of me?"

"No. That's why I didn't want-"

"That's a teribble excuse, Luffy."

Luffy lowered his eyes and pursed his lips, turning more away from her still pissed at the situation. Maybe he really was an idiot.

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