(A/N): Reader's Looks

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If you have another preference of how you wanna look, be my guest and ignore this if you want.

If you have another preference of how you wanna look, be my guest and ignore this if you want

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This is the concept of how you guys look, or the basics of how you look. I added more details from the first image I created.

Now for the specifics:

Wowie, such unique ears

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Wowie, such unique ears.

Wowie, such unique ears

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Left and right designs for arms+hands, front and back, too

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Left and right designs for arms+hands, front and back, too.

Okay, so there was gonna be a lot of scales on the front, but I had to move 'em to the back of your legs

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Okay, so there was gonna be a lot of scales on the front, but I had to move 'em to the back of your legs. I almost forgot that your jeans got ripples, so I had to fix the legs.

Sorry if you can't see the fangs on the teeth :') I tried to edit this to the point where the fangs are at least visible to the human eyes

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Sorry if you can't see the fangs on the teeth :') I tried to edit this to the point where the fangs are at least visible to the human eyes.

Welp, hope this helps :)))

(DISCONTINUED) The Girl Who Didn't Belong (Lloyd x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now