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dedicated to @DancingDemon18 , who came with the idea

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dedicated to @DancingDemon18 , who came with the idea. Thanks a lot bae <3

"when your soul finds the soul it was waiting for.

when someone walks into your heart through an open door.

when your hand finds the hand it was meant to hold.don't let go.

when someone walks into your heart through an open door.

when your hand finds the hand it was meant to hold.don't let go."

Demi Lovato - Heart By Heart



Flashes of white. Soft, white fur flashes away before my eyes. What was it? Why was it so untouchable? Too far away to reach? Why could I only dream of this?

I snap up in my bed, panting and sweating. My brown eyes stand wide open. Chilly air fills my room through the open window. I decide to walk towards the small balcony, attached to my window. I hang my head out and suck in some delicious fresh air.

For nights already had these dreams been haunting me as if someone wanted to tell me something but I didn't realize yet what exactly. It was frustating, especially because even when I was awake I couldn't let it rest.

It is three years after the Second Wizarding War exactly on this day, although it's still 4 in the morning. In those three years I had been trying to find my parents in Australia. I found them and returned their memory. They were not happy with me but when I told them what happened that caused me to do this, they were shocked at least.

My parents are Muggles so they didn't know about Voldemort and his plans to destroy all Muggleborns or, as he wanted to call them, 'Mudbloods'. I rather not talk too much about the war anymore. It was a closed chapter and it only made me stronger.

What is that song again? 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'. Well, that person knew how life worked. 

My parents were also shocked to see my scar on my left lower arm, created by none other then Bellatrix Lestrange. Some times after the war I still woke up, thinking about that horrible moment while bathing in my sweat. My parents were worried because they heard me screaming like Bellatrix was still carving the word into my delicate flesh.

I clutch the iron bar around my balcony and look at the moon. After the war I was focused on learning the most difficult ways of magic just to have my mind away from everything I had experienced. That's how I found the spell to give my parents their memories back and how I learned to turn into an Animagus.

It was difficult and very painful at first, but I became better in it. Now I could simply close my eyes and turn into my Animagus.. . It was lightbrown and elegant. It felt like me and it was me. I had been able to contact with animals, which was quite a wonder. I heard one a few wizards and witches could do that. It was a talent you had to be born with and I had that talent.

I turn my back to my balcony and walk back into the warm bedroom. I am in London, my own apartment. I had left my elderly home and changed it for this nice, small and cozy apartment in the middle of Diagon Alley. I love it here and don't regret it, although I do miss my parents' home and my old bedroom.

It was dark inside the room, only the light from the moon lighting the place. I close the double windows behind me and shove the mintgreen, thin curtains shut. It was 2 May today. Today over about a few hours, people would throw parties and celebrate the defeat of Voldemort by the Golden Trio, led by Harry Potter.

Did no one think about the other side? About the Death Eaters and the Slytherins, who lost their family and friends on this day? You can tell and call me everything, but for me it feels wrong to celebrate something when others feel horrible by it. 

For some reason, I think back to Draco Malfoy. Where could he be? How was he doing? Did he still suffer from the war?

But Malfoy disappeared out of sight after the war and nobody but his friends heard from him ever again. Just to make sure you understand, I don't fall under those friends.

I decided to take a little more sleep and cuddle up under the mintgreen blanket, my brown curls splayed over the white cushions. I close my heavy eyelids and sink into my dream with white furs and loud howling again.


Well, that was the first chapter. Thank @DancingDemon18  for this, as she came with the idea and triggered my imagination! Without her, I wouldn't have written this one.
Love you :)
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