PaRt 2

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" i've been running through the jungle, i've been running with the wolves 
to get to you, to get to you
i've been down the darkest alleys, saw the dark side of the moon
to get to you, to get to you
i've looked for love in every stranger, took too much to ease the anger
all for you, yeah all for you
i've been running through the jungle, i've been crying with the wolves
to get to you "

Selena Gomez - Wolves
Above is a cover, made by Beth Crowley



I woke up with a heavy feeling on my heart, like something was missing. My eyes quickly dart through the big, dark bedroom but nothing seemed gone. Why did I feel like that then? No, it was nothing materialistic..

Maybe it was that dream I had again? For some reason, I couldn't stop dreaming about light brown fur, shining in the light that went through the foliage of the beautiful forest we were. It seemed like an innocent prey for him, but what was it really?

As far as I can remember, I haven't seen it earlier. Did I have the Sight or something? Maybe this was a predicting dream.. or a beautiful nightmare. I didn't care if it was the second one though, this nightmare is too beautiful to not want.

I drag myself out of my bed from under the Slytherin green covers. I look at the alarmclock, seeing it is 8 a.m. Time to wake up and face this horrible day. Every year the same: the snarls, the stares, the disgust in every pair of eyes you would meet. This day would always remind to their victory and to everything they lost. He lost.

His mother was probably still asleep three bedrooms further. She didn't leave the house anymore after my father had been sent to Azkaban. Potter and even the Weasel helped me stay out of prison. Was it pity or remorse?

That didn't matter though, it still gave me a chance. I thanked them for that, but we never crossed paths anymore after my trial.

I envied this day. Everyone reminded their victory and their defeat. I sigh, looking outside. Time to start the day.

I comb my hair, dress in my black suit and leave the bedroom. Our HouseElf, whom we had to pay from the Ministry of Magic now, would clean the black, silver and green room for me.

When I came into the dinningroom I see something wondrous. Mother sits at the head of the table, sipping tea from a porcelain cup with the Daily Prophet in her other hand. All her attention was on the newspapers so she didn't notice me entering

I press a soft kiss on her cheek and sit on the chair beside her. "Goodmorning mother," I say, gravving my breakfast together. "Goodmorning son. You uhmm.. know which day it is today?" I sigh deeply. "I do know, mother."

"So, what are you going to do today?" "Probably meet with Blaise, Pansy, Daphne or Astoria." Probably not. This day I rather be in my Animagus-form. My wolf.

It's an amazing feeling to run through the forest and forget everything around you.

I decided to study this with behelp of books from our library. The first months after the Second Wizarding War I didn't leave the house, scared of wgat people would think and say. Only for my trial I came outside. But.. I still had to spend my time somehow. Well, it turned out to be studytime.

"What are you going to do today, mother?" "I-I have a meeting with Andromeda," she says. I know my mother long enough to still be worried that her sister hasn't forgiven her yet and that she says something wrong to her.

"That's nice." I quickly put some of my breakfast into my mouth. "Draco, can you promise me something dear?" "What is it," I ask, looking into her eyes. "Please.. find someone quickly. Settle down, get married, have kids but above all.. be happy." "I.. I'll try, mother." She smiles sadly at me. "Thank you, my son," she sighs, caressing my cheek before continuing to read.

The point was: there was no one I was interested in anymore. And no one in their right mind was interested in me anymore. I mean; who would want to date an ex-Death Eater? Nobody..

Also, there was only one girl for me I really wanted to be happy with, but she is probably with someone else now. The best prizes are always the first to be taken away. And she? She was the headprize.

I tried dating, building up a life after she was out of the picture. It just didn't work out and every single time my heart, and the heart of the girl I dated that time, was broken.

Stop Malfoy, now! Don't sulk here about things that are done, you don't get anywhere with that! I shake my head and focus on my breakfast and my company again.

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