PaRt 13

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" come to me in night hours
i will wait for you
and i can't sleep
'cause thoughts devour
thoughts of you consume

i can't help but love you
even though i try not to
i can't help but want you
i know that i die without you "

Ruelle - War of Hearts


Finally! After months and months of planning we finally have everything ready for Harry and Ginny's wedding! It was decided it will be next week so I called Astoria and we went dress shopping. I have a white dress which reaches my knees without sleeves and some sort of belt around my waist. As footwear I chose for simple white heels.

I wouldn't have chosen for this dress as I felt a little naked in it, but Astoria said it looked very well on me and nearly ordered it. She even leant me diamond earrings of herself with a matching diamond bracelet.

"You look perfect! Any guy would swoon over you," she says. I blush a little at her comment. "Hey Astoria?" "Yes," she asks, fixing her make-up. She didn't even look at me as she was busy with her eyeliner to match her maroon red dress.

"I am going for a.. walk.. I'll see you at the hall." "Oh yes, sure, do that. I'll see you in the hall." I smile at her absence, absolutely not bothered by it, and leave the room. As soon as I reach the forest I change into my fox, not ruining my clothes though.

I had promised Sam to meet with him at our favourite spot, the place where we had first met each other and always meet. When I reach the open space I see he has already arrived.

"Hey," he says through mind-link. I lay on the grass, resting my head on my paws as I stare intensely at him, the sun warming my body. "Hi.. how have you been?" "Great, I suppose. I missed you though." I giggle. "It haven't even been 3 days since we last saw each other," I reply.

He shrugs. "I find every second I'm not with you a waste of my time." I blush a little in my mind. He was so cute, so intelligent but yet so.. broken. I hoped I would be able to fix him and it seemed like it worked, but still.. could you possibly heal someone as broken as himself?

"Anything interesting happening," I ask him. He shrugs once again. "I have a party this afternoon of some people who hate my guts. At the end of the day I'll be probably covered in the mud they are vocally throwing at me." "I am so sorry for you.." "You don't need to be. And you, what about your life?"

"I have a party as well this afternoon of one of my friends. This is supposed to be the happiest day of her life." Seeing that his expression didn't change I guess he didn't get it. Not that it really mattered or something.

"I hope you have a nice day then," he says. He seems to watch the sky through the leaves above us. I follow his gaze and stare together with him at the sun. Could it possibly be that I'm falling in love with him? I feel like I've always known him..

"About my day.. I fear that I have to leave already. A friend of mine is probably already worrying about me," I say to him. He seemed a little disappointed but didn't actually admit it. "Okay, I'll see you later I suppose. Our weekly meeting?" "I promise you I'll be there," I smile.

I stand up on my four paws and run away. It was nearly noon, the time when Ginny and Harry's wedding starts. I change back into my human form, still looking like how I did before I shifted. Just before the hall where the wedding will be held Astoria waited for me.

"Hello Hermione, that was a long walk.." "I know, I just needed some air." "I understand. Come on, Ginny and Harry's wedding will soon begin and you are her Maid of Honour," Astoria says, ushering me inside. 

Ginny stands before the double doors together with two nieces of her as flowergirls and Arthur to give her away. I stand behind Ginny, trying to comfort her a little. She was a little nervous, but there was nothing to be nervous about.

She looked beautiful in her white weddinggown with golden embroiderings. It has a sweetheart neckline and in mermaid-style. Her hair was let down, sleek and ginger like always with a weddingveil on her head. 

"Are you ready," I ask her, putting a hand on her bare shoulder. She nods. "I have never been so ready for anything in my life. Hermione.. you'll be by my side, won't you?" 


Hey hey!

Just a quick question: Would you like some smut between Draco and Hermione(just writing the chap I need to know that stuff for ;) )

xx ElinevdBogaard

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