PaRt 7

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" can we recover?
can we get over things?
are we too deep in the night to see the day
can we recover? can we get over things?
are we too frozen inside to feel the flame? "

Ruelle - Recover


I felt terrible. Not only did my dreams about my feelings and my doubts about the white wolf hold me awake all night, now there was also a headache! It never really works out for me, does it?

I step out of my bed and stretch my limbs. Now I notice why I woke exactly. The phone is ringing. Who calls on 7 a.m on a Saturday? With some groaning I walk towards the phone and grab it. "With Hermione Granger," I try to sound cheery, but with my sleeplessness it's not really working.

"Hermione? Are you okay, you don't sound right?" "Mrs Weasley! Of course I'm fine, you know I can handle myself. Why do you call though, I didn't expect anything so early?" "Oh, I wanted to remind you that Ginny is fitting weddingdresses today at 10 a.m. You know, just so you don't forget," the woman chirps cheerly.

How can she sound so awake so early in the morning? "Of course I didn't forget Mrs Weasley!" Okay, just out of bed I kind of forgot about it. Still, I had a sticky note on my fridge so I would not really forget it though!

Ginny was going to marry with Harry within 3 months and I was her Maid of Honour. She wanted my advise for everything while in the end, she still decided. I didn't mind though, it was a great experience and she deserved the best.

Ginny was also one of the only people from the Weasley family I hung around with after my break-up with Ron. Only Mr and Mrs Weasley and surprisingly George were the only others I had contact with.

"Uhmm.. Hermione?" "Sorry, I think I zoned out. It's still early and I'm just out of bed. What did you say?" "Well.. sorry Hermione, but Lavender is coming as well. I know you don't like her, but try to get along for today? For Ginny?" 

"For Ginny," I sigh. "Thank you darling. See you around 09:50 by the dress shop." "I can't wait. Bye Mrs Weasley!" "Bye darling!" I hang up and put my phone back in the holder.

I walk towards my kitchen in the loose white dress-shirt I wore to sleep this evening. I grab something for breakfast together and quickly work it inside, accompanied by Crookshanks.

After that I took a shower and put on something cute. A baby blue top with short sleeves and a high-waisted, short white skirt which flows around me when I walk. The blue top is tugged in the skirt and I wrap my hair in a loose bun with some curls framing my face.

Mmm, it was okay. I quickly put on some sneakers to make it casual and run out of the apartment with my handbag. 

In the dress shop it was not that busy. I mean, how much people buy weddingdresses on one day? Still, it was handy. Now I could easily pick Ginny, her mom and Lavender out of them. I walk towards them and peck Ginny on her cheek, hug Mrs Weasley and coldly shake hands with Lavender.

I didn't like Lavender. She immediately began to flirt with Ron after we broke up. I know, it's his life but after just one single week he began a relationship with her. I mean, getting over each other is good, but so fast? It felt like our relationship never meant something.

We sit down while Ginny dresses up and asks our opinion about her different dresses. It went on for three hours and I look around the shop for a bit while Ginny tries on her 14th dress. I catch sight of someone I know.

"Hey Astoria," I yell at the girl who enters the shop with her friend, Pansy Parkinson and sister. She waves at me and runs over. We hug each other and Lavender looks in disgust at me. Mrs Weasley just blinks a couple of times with her eyes. She stares at me. "Why don't you introduce your new friend here Hermione?" 

"Mrs Weasley, Lavender, Ginny(she just walked out), this is Astoria Greengrass. She's my colleague and a friend. Astoria, these are the two Weasley ladies and Lavender Brown." Astoria scrunches her nose in a rather cute way.

"Hmm, I see yes," she mutters, her eyes narrowed at Lavender. She didn't like her as well. "Who is going to marry by you," I ask with a wink. "Oh, Pansy is the lucky one. Blaise proposed to her four months ago. Their wedding is over two." "Nice. Wish Pansy good luck from me."

"But you're going with me," Astoria proclaims. I look with furrowed eyebrows at her. "Oh, didn't I tell you? As I've no boyfriend, I take you with me!" "You might had to tell me though," I say with a grin.

"I see you quite slithered into the dark side, Hermione. What is next, fucking Draco Malfoy perhaps? Like most of the witches lately," Lavender snorted.

If looks could kill, she would be lying six feet underground by now.

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