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" so much for my happy ending "

Avril Lavigne - My Happy Ending


"Tell further mummy, tell further," my 5 year old son Scorpius asks. I laugh kindly, pinching his chubby cheek.

We sit in the livingroom of Malfoy Manor, me with my three children older scattered around me and my youngest,  just a mere baby, on my lap. The three older kids sit on the carpet around me. The fire in the fireplace crackles softly.

Draco sits with an amused expression on the other couch, his lips twitching into a smile at our adorable kids asking us how we fell in love. "Well, your grandmother was very surprised at first. You had to see that horrified expression of hers when she found out I.. had a sleepover at your daddy's home."

Draco nearly laughs his arse off as I said 'sleepover'. I at least censored it! I mean, the oldest is just 5 years old, I won't discuss our 'special' life with them! "And after," our 4 year old daughter Lyra asks.

"Well, your daddy and I began officially dating. First your uncle Harry, auntie Ginny and uncle Ron had a little bit of a problem with it," I explain, letting our youngest drink from his bottle. "But why? I don't understand," my second son, Aries, asks.

"Because your daddy and your uncles didn't have a nice past with each other. Don't worry too much about it though because we are now all friends," I say at him, smiling. "What about your wedding," Lyra asks.

"We married one year later. I was pregnant with our little Scorpius back then." "I am not little," he groans. I rub him through his platinum blonde hair, silky between my fingers like his fathers. "And now we are here. Together."

"I also want to be an Animagus," Lyra sighs dreamily. "Why sweetheart?" "Because then I can also meet nice boys like you did with daddy," she exclaims happily. I glance over at Draco, who's eyes darkened and expression turned angrily.

Draco and I went to bring our youngest son, Alec Malfoy, to bed while our other kids played outside. Draco groans. "If she can change into an Animagus I'll lock her up in a tower, I swear to Merlin," he sighs.

I burst out in laughter and kiss his cheek. "Come on Draco, it's not as if everything that happened to us will happen again in the future.." "She better hopes not, because I swear my daughter will not date until she's at least 100 years old."

With annoyance I shake my head. Ever since Lyra was born Blaise Zabini and Theodore Nott kept teasing me that she will not see that much daylight anymore if she reaches her teens, if it depends on Draco. I thought they were exagarrating back them, but it seems actually completely true.

"Draco, this is not Rapunzel and you are not the evil mother that keeps her inside her tower, alright?" Draco kind of knew a lot of Disney films lately, as Lyra constantly wanted to watch those when she was 2 and 3 years old, so he understood the reference. "I know, but still-"

"Draco, you will leave her alone if it depends on boys, can we agree on that?" He mumbles some unhearable words but I place my hands on my hips and snarl at him. "If you don't agree I won't tell you something I found out yesterday!"

He frowns his eyebrows but agrees, eager to know what I'm about to say. "Sure, but tell me." I walk closer to him and wrap my arms around his neck. He holds me by my hips, staring deeply into the chocolate brown eyes of mine.

"You might soon have another baby to protect and love like you always do," I whisper into his ear. I can practically see his eyebrows raising into the air, his mouth falling open. "Are you.. are you really?"

"I am pregnant again. I'm telling you this Malfoy, I'm stopping with bearing your children after this one. Five is enough for me, thank you!" "We both know you'll want more little Malfoys later on, Mrs Malfoy," he whispers into my ear, kissing down from the skin behind my earshell to my shoulder.

"Maybe I will, maybe I won't. Who knows what the future will bring?" We stare down at our baby boy before leaving the nursery.

We watch the children play inside the large garden. Our oldest, Scorpius of five years old, with his platinum blonde locks and silvergrey eyes is a complete copy of his father. Lyra also looks like him, but has my eyes. Our second son Aries has my brown curly hair but his fathers silvergrey eyes. Alec, our youngest in the nursery, has my brown eyes but a few locks of platinum blonde hair.

I wonder what our newest addition to the family will look like. Boy or girl? Blonde or brown? Silvergrey or chocolate brown? To be honest, I really don't care which one it would be. If it is healthy I will be the luckiest woman on earth.

"What are you thinking about," Draco asks, playing with a lock of my brown hair. I shrug. "About the baby. When will we tell the kids?" "Soon, I suppose. Don't worry too much about it, my love, we have done this more often. The result you see there, running around... plucking out the feathers of the white peacocks I inherited from my father.. ARIES!"

Draco jumps up from the bench with a worried expression, running over to Aries while I burst out in laughter.

And this was the story of the two Animagi, falling in love..

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