PaRt 15

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" my heart is beating in a different way
we go such in no time
but i don't feel the same

my heart is beating in a different way
we go such in no time "

The XX - Missing


The reception was slowly coming to an end in the evening and the whole time Granger and I had danced until dinner or until we were thirsty. We would eat or drink something together and go back to dancing.

I can tell you: Granger is quite good at dancing. By the evening we went outside to catch some fresh air, our champagne glasses in our hands. I never thought I would enjoy myself during the wedding party of Scarhead and Weaslette, but I certainly did!

She and I sit down on a wooden bench in some gazebo in the backyard of the reception hall. She was a little flushed and with bright red cheeks. She looks beautiful that way. How come I never noticed before?

Well, secretly I did notice it before. I just never mentioned it to her as she would think it would be a trick from my side, trying to humiliate her. I wouldn't have believed it either: who would believe that a guy who tormented and discriminated you for years was secretly deeply in love with you but scared to show or even admit it?

Exactly: nobody would.

She turns her face to me and smiles. "I had a nice day.. and you?" "I had a nice day as well." "Great.. Well, I kind of like your behaviour towards me now. I mean, you did save me from Ginny's aunt."

"I guess so.. how was your morning?" Really Draco, asking about her morning? What's wrong with you? Normally you know quite some cheesy but romantic lines around women, so what is different with Granger?

Because no one is like Hermione.. and I like that. It makes me put effort into it. Making her feel the same way as I do towards her. Still.. it feels a little like cheating, being here with Hermione. It makes me feel like I cheat on Charlotte.

I know it is stupid that I feel this way, but I can't help it! But I can also not help the attraction I have towards Hermione. The same attraction that makes me grab her chin softly to turn her face to mine. The same attraction that makes me slowly lean into her face.

She didn't move away. Hermione seemed to come closer to my face and then.. we met halfway. Her lips were so soft and delicious against mine. I wanted to do so many things, I want to make her feel like never before. I want her and only her, even though I like Charlotte as well in her own way.

She softly takes my bottom lip between her teeth and slightly tugs on it. My arms wrap around her waist, my hands on her back, and pull her closer. She wraps her arms tightly around my neck, tugging onto my white blonde locks. Merlin, this feels fantastic!

A moan escapes from her throat and because of her sound a shiver ran down my spine. Still, we are humans and sometimes humans need to breathe. We separate from each other, gasping for breath.

"That was.. amazing," Hermione whispers. "I know, I felt the same.." We look each other into the eye, smiles stretching over our faces.

I wanted to take a round 2, but she pushed me a little away with her hand on my chest. I look a little confused at her, but she shook her head. "I'm sorry Draco, but.. it feels like I'm cheating."

What a coincidence that she felt the same.. "Why," I ask her, slowly stroking her cheek with the back of my hand. She sighs. "Because of a friend. I think he has feelings for me.."
"What friend," I ask her. She sighs once again. "I will tell you something I never told anyone before, so please don't leak this out. I..I'm an Animagus." Coincidence..

"I met a white wolf in my Animagus-form a few months ago and we became good friends.. he turned out to be an Animagus as well. Draco, I don't want to ruin that friendship."

White wolf.. Animagus.. few months ago. Those words echoed into my head and made the blood into my veins turn into icewater.

"What was his name?" "Draco, I don't see why that is impo-" "Tell me. His name," I say her, looking sternly at her. She frowns but answers, noticing my tone. "His name was Samael.."

And everything became clear..

I sigh deeply and stare into her beautiful brown eyes. Now I know why I recognised them earlier today: they were the same as the fox's eyes. The fox is Hermione. All the time I had just fallen again in love with the same girl. And I would tell her that.

"Hermione.. I am Samael. I am the white wolf you met in the forest."

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