PaRt 8

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" did we ever see it coming?
will we ever let it go?

we are burried in broken dreams
we are knee-deep without a plea
i don't want to know what it's like
to live without you
don't want to know the other side
of a world without you "

Ruelle - The Other Side


Astoria grabs my hand and squeezes it tightly. "Sorry, I don't understand 'Stupid Bitcherian'. And you might have to shut your mouth about Draco." "Why? I mean, you are also one of those bitches he used, weren't you," Lavender asks with a nasty smile.

I hold Astoria by her waist with Daphne, who hurried this way when she heard her sister fighting with someone. Mrs Weasley and Ginny were scowling at Lavender and Mrs Weasley told her that it was better if Lavender would go away.

She stamps out of the shop with a lot of noise and a lot of show. Astoria huffs and turns her angry face to me. "I don't understand why you wanted to meet with her," she whispers. "It's because I am here for Ginny and not for Lavender. Come on, Pansy is waiting for you." 

"Hermione, can you promise me something," Astoria asks. "Sure..? I am not going to Antartica to watch penguins though!" "No, that was not my idea. I wanted to ask you if you would go out for dinner tonight." 

"W.. hy?" "Just, I want to dine with you," she says with a smile. I promise her and we settle that we would go eat in 'Mrs Marianne's Wizarding Palace'. 

That evening I walk inside the restaurant. I was dressed in a knee-length black dress with dark tights under it with high black heels at my feet. I learned walking on them when Astoria gave me 'a course' in it, which was walking until I wouldn't fall and the wounds on my feet re-opened. 

If Astoria wants something, like me being able to walk on her heels, she does everything to get it. I sit down at her table and smile at her.

"Well, you seem distracted, even during the meeting at the weddingshop. I want to know what is going on and I want it now," Astoria says when I asked her why she wanted to go out this evening.

"You.. you know that I'm an Animagus, right?" "Yeah, I do," she says, leaning with her chin on the outside of her hand. "I.. met someone yesterday. And he was.." "Wait, how are you sure it's a 'he'?" "Because he had this perfect, deep, amazing masculine voice that makes tingles spread over your body and-" "You really have it bad, don't you," Astoria laughs.

I frown my eyebrows. "Have what bad?" "The love, my darling. You are obviously crushing immensely hard on this lovely stranger of you." "I'm not crushing," I scowl, blushing incredibly much.

"That blush only proves my right. Well, what's his name?" "I.. don't know, I just realize. We never introduced ourself probably, I guess."

"Well, how did you two meet?" I began talking about my run through the forest closeby, the wolf and the catching. How he helped me up and talked to me. I let out the 'being bad' part out though, in case Astoria would go crazy about that part. What can I say, Astoria is known for loving the bad boys. 

"What does he look like," Astoria asks. I shrug. "I don't know," I answer her. She frowns her eyebrows, but like always it looks perfect by her. "How do you mean 'I don't know'? You have seen him, right?" "Sort of.." "Okay, explanation. Now!" 

I sigh. "I met him in my Anigamus-form.. and he was as well." "So he's an Animagus? That means he has to be a powerful wizard. Only powerful wizards and witches can turn into an animal," Astoria concludes. I haven't even thought about it that way.. but she is still right.

"So what do you suggest I do," I ask her. She shrugs. "You can do two things. One, you befriend him and let your feelings fade or the next time you see him you seduce him," she says, staring at her nails. My mouth falls open. "I do what?" She giggles.

"My poor, innocent Hermione. I said to seduce him. Flirt a little, push him into the right direction and mood. Believe me, every guy is sensitive for that," she says with a wink at the end. I am not sure anymore whether to trust her anymore.. but she was kind of right, wasn't she?

Maybe I should try.. or maybe I should first find out what he's like and if I really like him that much. It seems like I'm going to the forest tomorrow then..

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