PaRt 10

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" just hold on
it won't be long
i will find you
here inside the dark
i will break through
no matter where you are
i will find you
    i will find you "

Ruelle - Find you


"You didn't bother me. Before I forget, what's your name?"

Oh Merlin.. What do I say? When I say that my name is Draco, she'll obviously think that I'm Draco Malfoy. It's true and, to be honest, how many Draco's do you know? Not that many, that's for sure.

So I have to make up a name. What would sound great? Hunter? No, too cliche. Dragon? Cliche too. 

"My name is Samael." "Samael? Isn't that one of the names of the Devil," she asks. Merlin, she sounds so innocent, but clever all the same. She's so.. intense, smart, beautiful..

Maybe she can help me forget about my old love? No, I can never forget about her, but still.. maybe she can replace the black hole in my heart, the empty place?

"Sometimes I believe that I am just as bad as the Devil," I reply to her. She shakes her small fox-head. "No, you're not bad. You are so nice to me. If you were really that bad as you think you are, you would have teared me apart the first time we met. Don't think so low of yourself.."

"You may not have seen me when I was younger. I was terrible. I bullied people, discriminated them and ended up on the wrong side. I was evil, I tormented and tortured people through the day. And now, when it's too late, I feel remorse. It aches like a hundred nails hammered inside my heart."

"You made mistakes, but the fact that you do feel remorse means that you are not that evil. It makes you better. If we hold grudges against people forever without forgiving, what is the utility of making friends, meeting people? We are humans, Samael, we make mistakes and we learn from them," she says.

I chuckle. "You sound very wise. How come?" "I know that you need to forgive persons in life. I learned it through hard ways, believe me," she says.

"Okay, I believe you on that. May I know what your name is?" She was a little hesitant, I felt it. How, I simply don't know the answer to that. It's a feeling. It was as if she decided it was unfair to ask my name without giving her own, as she mind-linked with me again and spoke up.

"Charlotte," she says. "A beautiful name for a beautiful fox-lady," he jokes. Her laugh sounds as clear as water clattering on the rocks beneath a waterfall. "Do you mind if I call you Char," I ask her. 

She lifts up her foxhead and holds it a little crooked. "S-Sure?" I am immediately wary. "If you don't like it I won't do it, I won't do anything that makes you feel less comfortable or someth-" "Samael, it's fine, really. Do you mind if I call you Sam for short," she asks. I shake my snow white wolf head.

"Char, can you promise me something?" "Of course I can, what is it about," she asks. I sigh deeply. "Never let me down, please. I don't think I can bear another heartbreak." She gasps a little, her lips opening in a cute oval form. If this wasn't so serious I would have laughed at her beautiful foxhead right now.

"I promise, Sam. I won't ever let you down. We're friends, okay?" "Okay, friends," I reply with a smile. I felt a little ache in my heart at the fact that she said 'friend' and not something more, but also immense relief at the fact she promised to not let me down, to not break me. And to be honest, what did I expect?

This isn't a fairytale in which love-at-first-sight excists. This is cruel reality and it tears you down every single moment of the day with its harshness.  But maybe one day she'll change her mind and until then, I am happy to be her friend. I hope it goes up for reverse as well.

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