PaRt 11

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" do you remember the way that you touched me before?
all the trembling sweetness
i loved and adored "

Natalie Merchant - My Skin


"Dracoo...? Draco! Hey Malfoy!" I didn't hear someone calling out for me. I just rested my chin on my hand and stared out of the window of the Leaky Cauldron.

My head was spinning with excitement and questions. Excitement for my new meeting with Charlotte tomorrow and questions about how long I will be able to hold up my lie.

It had been 6 days of not meeting her, not seeing her and not knowing she's okay and fine. It were a painful 6 days and I felt terrible. Apparently a I also had been grumpy, according to Blaise.

But yeah, according to Blaise I had only been snapping at people and that couldn't be true, right?

I don't know why I miss Char so much. I mean, its only been a week and I'm acting like I haven't seen her in 10 years! Are my feelings that strong? Will Char return my feelings as well?

Blaise decided that this was the moment to pinch my arm very hard. I yelp in pain and glare at my best friend. "What was that for," I yell angrily. Blaise glared back and snapped.

"You weren't paying attention to what I've said the last 10 minutes! What is going on with you man!" Suddenly, Blaise's expression in his eyes sharpened and he stared deeply into my eyes, like he was overhearing me or something like that.

"I know that expression from when Astoria has a new lover.. again. Are you crushing on someone Draco?"

"Wait, what? No, why are you thinking that," I exclaim, obviously turning bright red on my pale cheeks. Blaise grins and leans back with his Butterbeer in his hand. I was angry at him for saying this, although he couldn't have known of course.

"Who is the lucky girl?" "It doesn't matter, I don't know if she even feels the same.." "You are freaking Draco Lucius Malfoy, every girl adores your features and your kind-of badboy status. Why isn't she between your sheets already?"

I blush at the sudden naughty thoughts invading my mind. For some reason, I think of Char as someone with long, dark brown curls which feels like silk between your fingers. I imagine her with brown eyes and a few frickles by her nose. A blush on her cheeks when I express those naughty thoughts to her.

Merlin, stop this Draco! "Because she doesn't know who I am Blaise. To be honest, she doesn't even know my name.." "Wow, so you just think about a nameless girl? Exciting, I suppose," Blaise says, taking a sip from his drink. I sigh.

"You know I'm an Animagus, Blaise. I met her in my Animagus-form.." "So you want to bang an animal? Okay, I guess. Bestiality all the way?" "Blaise, listen to me for once!" "After you ignoring me for 10 minutes? Maybe, only if it contains bestiality."

I groan and lean back in my chair, laying my hands on my face. Blaise is so annoying sometimes! "She is an Animagus, she told me!" "Okay man, what's her name?" "Charlotte.." Her name drops like honey off my tongue and sounds so delicious that I- focus Draco!

"So.. anything else? She probably asked your name and you said she doesn't know who you are so.. what?" "I told her that my name is Samael." "How did you come at that random name?" I sigh deeply. "It's not random: Samael is one of the names of the Devil."

"How would I know, I never studied Demonology at Hogwarts," Blaise exclaims angrily. I shrug and grab my Butterbeer from the table to take a sip. "However, when are you going to bang her," Blaise asks. I growl angrily at my friend.

"I don't want to bang her! Ugh, I'm even disgusted by the word." "Well, you weren't disgusted with that word when we discussed earlier relationships of yours." "Those are different. I never cared for them like I do for Char!"

Blaise coughed while laughing when I said that and asked with watery ears. "Sorry, did you just call that girl 'Char'? Man, you are far gone.." "Maybe I am and maybe I'm proud of that, Blaise," I snap, taking a sip again and staring out of the window to dream about Charlotte again.

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