PaRt 9

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" he looks her in the eyes and he says
hate me
break me
let me feel as hurt as you
push me
crush me
but promise me you'll never let us go "

Eurielle - Hate Me


I walk inside the forest. It was calm as it is still early in the morning. Maybe I would see that stranger again? That man with that deep, masculine voice and makes you weak in the legs. That makes you want to fall down on your knees in front of him, to obey every wish he had. 

Okay, something is definately wrong with me. Why do I think like this? When I was still with Ron I never felt this way. Of course, when he kissed my cheek I felt a little spark, but it was nothing like what I felt when I heard the strangers voice. It's sure. I am definately really crushing right now.

I shift into my fox-form and run through the woods. I was running around, trying to find the stranger. Why, I don't know. Maybe I was really desperate. And I was here, thinking that the single-life wasn't that bad. Well, until you meet the one.

Astoria was right, I'm definately liking the strange wolf. Speaking about him, where is he? Maybe he didn't come today? I felt a little sad at the possibility. What if I never see him again? Will those sparks, that fluttering feeling in my stomach, ever disappear? What if he doesn't even like me?

That moment I felt someone crashing hard on me. White fur flashes before my eyes and I was smashed on the ground. My brownish fur got a little dirty from the dirt on the ground. When my eyes turn to the sky all I could see was those eyes.. 

Those beautiful, hypnotizing steel grey eyes that seemed to mesmerize your thoughts. I hear him talking into my head again. "You.. I was kind of looking for you," he said. I felt my heart exploding with happiness I didn't know was kept hidden there. "I was kind of looking for you too," I answer back. The corner of his beak moves up. He was smiling.

"Now we found each other, I guess. How have you been?" "It's only been two days," I joke. "It seems like two days are too long," he says truthfully. I grin. He missed me too. It's not unreturned love. "How about you? Do you find two days also quite long?" "In this case? Yes.." I pray to Merlin to make sure that foxes can't blush.

"I don't know why, but I have a certain pull to you. I guess that also brought us together here now in the first place. Do you.. feel the same?" "Yes," I say breathlessly, looking deep into his eyes. He only now seemed to realize that he still stood over me, as he jumped off me and gave me an opportunity to jump up on my four legs.

He pokes with his nose in my sides. I look at him and the corner of his beak stand high. He was smiling, genuinely smiling. I try to frown my eyebrows, which is quite weird in this fox-form. "What was that for?" "Just playing around.. Did I bother you?" He seems carefull. Every time he asks my opinion about something. It makes him seem nice.

Ron didn't actually do that. When I said he didn't have to be so possesive he started a fight or sometimes even just ignored that I said anything at all. It was not possible to talk to him. This guy is different. 

"You didn't bother me. Before I forget, what's your name?

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