PaRt 17

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" you're picture, perfect blue
sunbathing on the moon
stars are shining as your bones illuminate
first kiss just like a drug under your influence
take me over, you're the magic in my veins
this must be love

boom clap, the sound of my heart
the beat goes on and on and on and on
and boom clap you make me feel good
come on to me
come on to me "

Charli XCX - Boom Clap


Hermione and I Apparate into my home, Malfoy Manor, while kissing furiously. Turns out my friends had already left without saying anything. Not that I actually care: now I don't have to explain why I'm taking Hermione home with me!

Quietly so that my mother won't wake up we sneak up the stairs. Once the doors of my bedroom close and a Silencing Charm was placed on the room, I grin at Hermione. She smiles back and wraps her arms tightly around my neck.

I kindly nip at the crook in her neck and she moans in bliss. "You don't know how much I wanted to do that.." "I don't think I can imagine that," she giggles. I trace my lips from her neck to her jaw and then to her lips. She moans again, tugging at my hair to get me closer.

"You're sure you want this," I ask breathlessly once we pull apart after another snogging session. She nods and bites her lip. Merlin, that's tempting..

Her hands slide from my white blonde hair to the collar of the white button-up beneath my suitjacket. She grabs it tightly and takes steps back towards my bed. We fall down, me above her body, on the soft mattress.

My lips find her neck again and she sighs deeply in pleasure. Her hands find the edge of my jacket and slides it off my broad shoulders. She quickly unbuttons my dress shirt and pulls it out of my pants.

I, on the other hand, try to discard her dress as quick as possible. She giggles a little and I smile back at her. "Are you entirely sure, we can always stop," I breathe heavily. She shakes her head. "I want this Draco, with you.."

And we both lose ourselves into the pleasure of our bodies mingling and connecting, entangling.


The morning after I woke up by the light of the sun coming through the window, shining onto my face. I have a terrible headache and my body feels a little sore.

I sit up with a groan. The silk, Slytherin green blankets of the bed fall down my body and I blush, quickly grabbing it tightly to cover my chest region. Someone knocks softly on the double doors of Draco's bedroom.

Blushing furiously I run a hand through my brown curls and shake Draco awake. He groans and turns around to lay on his stomach. "Draco, Draco wake up," I hiss. He moans. "Five more minutes.." "Draco, there's someone at the door!"

He looks up, his platinum blonde hair tousled and messy. Merlin, he looks delicious without a t-shirt or button-up. "Who's there," Draco calls out, still staring at me.

"Draco, it's your mother.. are you alright?" "I am fine mother, just.. don't come in please." "What do you mean? Are you sure everything's fine darling?" I stare horrified at Draco, mouthing 'HELP' to him. He smirks and calls out to his mother once again.

"I am fine mother, I am just sleeping through my hangover!" I stare at him with an expression like 'seriously dude?' and he grins. "Okay, I will ask Mimy to bring you something to eat.." "NO! That's not needed, mother," Draco exclaims.

"Draco, you're acting weird now. I come in.." Draco looks terrified and I mirror his expression. The door opens and Narcissa Malfoy walks inside in some expensive black with forest green robes. 

She looks very surprised and confused to find us under Draco's blankets.. in her son's bed. I blush so much that I probably look like a tomato already. I try to bury my head beneath the blankets, but Draco's mother already saw me.

"Hermione Granger? Draco.. you might have some explaining to do to your mother," she says, hands resting on her hips. She taps her foot on the wooden floor and glares at her son. "Mother.. couldn't you just leave us alone?"

"Draco, why didn't you tell me you were in a relationship? Did you really think I would disagree with your decisions?" "No mother," Draco sighs, running a hand through his hair. Narcissa narrows her eyes at him before smiling nicely at me.

"Sorry for my behaviour, darling. Would you like some clothes to wear, maybe? I guess your clothes of.. yesterday aren't that fresh anymore." I blush even more. Merlin, this was embarrasing. "I-I uhmm.. I would like that," I whisper sheepishly.

She smiles. "Sorry for the inconvenience, I will leave you two for now. Draco, you have some serious explaining to do later on," she says, twirling around to leave his bedroom. When the door shuts, Draco buries his head into the cushion.

His shoulder shake and I realise he was laughing. "I have never been so embarrased and happy at the same time," he roars in laughter. I giggle sheepishly. He smiles, wrapping his arms tightly around my waist to snuggle closer to me.

"I thought it was all a dream," he murmurs. "Well, it wasn't. I'm here, Draco, and I'm not planning on leaving you soon," I whisper back.

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