PaRt 5

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" i know you, i walked with you once upon a dream
i know you, that look in your eyes is so familiar a gleam
and i know it's true that visions are seldom all they seem
but if i know you, i'll know what you'll do
you'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream "

Lana Del Rey - Once Upon A Dream



I sighed deeply. It had been hours ago that I met the beautiful wolf, but still.. I couldn't get my thoughts off him. He had something so.. intruiging over him. This feeling in me scared me.

How could I give my heart away so easily to a stranger while it wasn't even completely healed after my last relationship? How did my heart and sould think I was going to survive another heartbreak?

But it doesn't have to be this way! Maybe he will be the one you were truly looking for! I huff. My inner voice can say whatever it wants, I rather listen to cold logics and my mind. I sigh once again and step out from under the shower. 

I dry my body with a soft towel and put on some sweatpants and a wide sweater. My thoughts were not helping, so I made a quick dinner and eat it on my couch before the TV.

The Wizarding World really upgraded itself after the Second Wizarding War. They magically secured electricity, so phones and TV's excisted in the Wizarding World now. Still, old-fashioned, mostly pureblooded families still used owls instead of phones and didn't even think about email and those kind of things.

Still, I was raised by Muggles so it was amazing to use TV here in Diagon Alley. Even some witches and wizards had channels on it and you could get Muggle channels!

I sigh once again and zap to some channel with a comedy on. That's what I need: a good laugh. Not many minutes later I'm already clutching my stomach and tearing up with laughter. It was so hard that I nearly didn't hear the housephone.

My cat yawned and stretche on my lap. I try to push him off which he didn't really like. "Can I help it the phone goes Crookshanks," I ask the cat. Of course, it's an animal so he doesn't react. My Animagus-communication with animals doesn't work if I'm not in Animagus-form.

I pick up the phone and do my usual 'Hello, you speak with Hermione Granger'. I sighed deeply when I heard who it was. Ron. "Hermione? Hey.. uhm.. how are you doing?" "I'm fine Ron. Why do you call me?"

He seemed nervous. I wonder why though: there is nothing between us left. Still, sometimes Ron would call me, demanding me to tell where I am. Normally I just hang up immediately, but he sounded weird now.

"It's 2 May today.." "What do you want of me Ron?" Ron growled softly. What is wrong with that man sometimes? He had a freaking relationship with Lavender Brown now, why did he still stalk me?! "I heard you are friends with a Greengrass."

"And why do you care? We are over, Ron. Accept it and let me rest, please." "She's an ex-Death Eater Hermione! It's dangerous to hang around with those!" "RON, I SAY YOU ONE LAST TIME: LEAVE. ME. ALONE!"

I hang up and I definately don't want to watch that bad comedy movie anymore. I'm so freaking uptight right now. Why did Ron have to ruin my mood today? With a deep sigh I fall down on my couch again, Crookshanks sitting on my lap.


I sigh deeply, looking at my cards. " Straight flush," I say, throwing my cards in boredom on the ebony table. Daphne sighs. "Two pair." "Full house," Blaise and Pansy sigh. They were always teaming, as Pansy didn't want to play on her own. Merlin knows why, she is pretty good.

"Again, Draco? How are you so good in this game," asks Daphne frustrated. I shrug, staring out of the window of the living room. We were at Malfoy Manor, like usual on this day. They seem to notice that I'm kind of off-guard right now.

"Is something wrong Draco? You seem a little.. distracted," says Astoria, softly laying her hand on mine. We were exes, but it didn't ruin our friendship when I broke up with her. Some things go deeper then a broken relationship that was destined to fail.

"Nothing much. Let it rest, it's nothing to worry about. Well, shall we play another round then?" Theodore Nott shakes the cards. I look at them, but with hollow eyes. It was pure luck that I won though, as if an unconsciouss self was playing while my thoughts drifted off.

I could only think about that little fox I met in the forest. Her beautiful brown fur, her innocent big chocolate brown doe eyes. They remind me of someone, or something, I wouldn't know. I love those eyes. 

Maybe my heart could finally heal again? Learn to love? I, again, wouldn't know. One thing was sure for me though.

I will meet her again, if not in real life, then in my dreams. Maybe this beautiful foxy could replace the images of someone else I was used to know.

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