PaRt 4

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" i'll be here, waiting, hoping, praying that
this light will guide you home
when you're feeling lost, i'll leave my love
hidden in the sun
for when the darkness comes "

Colbie Caillat - When the darkness comes



I run on my legs through the forest when I felt myself jumping over a mossy log of wood and shifting into my Animagus. I land on four legs.

In joy I run after my tail in circles. This was life. This was how I wanted to feel.  Free. Free of every responsibility and feeling. Just run. Don't think just run.  My four legs move perfectly together in rythm while I run and jump through the forest.

After two hours of pointless running, I stop in my tracks. Was that sound real? Then I hear it again. Howling. The howling what I heard yesterday.

The vision of my dreams returns, the white fur flashes before my eyes. Only.. now it was real. IT WAS REAL! I see white fur flashing through the green of the forest. A white wolf with piercing grey eyes. He jumps onto a mossy rock and howls towards the sun above the foliage.

I watch him with my chocolate brown fox eyes, which have better sensitivities than my human ones. This animal.. it was beautiful. My heart melted and froze on the same time. The beauty of nature was even confusing me.

As if the wolf on that moment noticed that it was not the only one in these surroundings. He turns his gigantic head towards me, his grey eyes piercing my brown ones. He howls softly and jumps off his rock, coming closer to me.

Wait, were foxes the food of wolves? I don't know, but I'm not waiting to find out! Sometimes, when I was in my Animagus-form, I forgot that the other animals weren't. They were acting naturally, so the predator hunts the prey.

I run on my four legs as fast away as I can. My sensitive ears hear the steps of the wolf running after me. Come on Hermione, go faster! I ran as hard as I could, but somehow the wolf was faster. It tackled me and I end up with my back against a rock.

I mewl softly in pain. My ears catch the sound of soft purring. I open my eyes and stare into the grey ones of the wolf. He softly pushes with his wet black nose against my face, as if to say 'hey, you're ok?'

"Are you alright?" Wait.. what was that voice? Did the wolf.. speak to me? It seemed like it and I shouldn't be weirded out by it, as I've done it more times, but for some reason this was different. The voice sounded deep and masculine, so it's obviously a male. 

"I am fine. Why did you attack me," I ask, concentrating on pulling my question out of my mind towards him. That's how communication between an Animagus and an animal works: you quite talk in yourself and push that thought towards the other animal. Then the other responded by doing the same.

"I didn't mean to attack you. I wanted to talk, but you ran away. I just.. chased you," says the wolf, as if this all was a joke. I tried to stand up but the wolf rushed forward and helped me standing up. The white wolf was so broad, so muscular, so handsome..

Wait, stop. Don't drown yourself into those beautiful steel grey orbs that are his eyes. He's a goddamn animal, you can't fall for that! He can be your friend though..

"Sorry, I thought you were going to eat me." "Well, no. You are sweet, but not sweet in that manner," the wolf jokes. Hmm.. he's funny. "You seem nice. Why?" "Because I finally see someone who is nice back. I.. uhmm.. don't usually come across those."

"Why is no one nice to you? No other wolves around here or something? Don't you have a pack?" He send me his chuckling laugh. "I'm an Animagus, not a real wolf, so I don't have a pack. And.. in my human form.. I've done many bad things."

He's an Animagus? T-then he's a human, just like me! That means that he can be a real friend! "What kind of bad things? I won't judge.." "Nothing of your concern, lovely little foxy," he says, but I could hear his sadness. He had done something bad, but I instantly knew he regretted whatever he had done.

"How about you, where's your pack," asks the wolf. "I don't have a pack.. because I'm an Animagus too." He is obviously startled and jumps back. He now looks like the dangerous, authoritative wolf I first saw him for. He looks more distant now, circling around me. I felt so tiny and vulnerable and I knew I was trapped with nowhere to go.

"An Animagus? What a coincidence." I chuckle inside myself. "It quite is, isn't it?" "I-I have to go," the wolf says, turning his stare to an opening between two trees. "Sad.. can we see each other again? I'd like to.. know you better," I say, shocking myself. Why was I so nice to a stranger? Why did I want to see this handsome, beautiful, gorgeous.. Focus Hermione, this wolf again?

"I'd like that. I'll meet you later, my beautiful little foxy," the wolf says before jumping over a mossy log and disappearing between the trees, leaving me all on my own. What was this wolf doing with me?

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