Chapter 1

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It was raining outside and Rachel was wrapped up in covers sitting in the darkness of her apartment with covers wrapped around her and popcorn next to her while she watched her favorite movie 'Funny Girl'. All Rachel wanted to do was relax that day, she had just graduated college with her best friend Quinn and was ready to take on Broadway, but right now all she wanted to do was relax.

All of a sudden she heard the door open and his loud mouth follow,"Aye Berry why the fuck is it so dark in here?"

Rachel groaned,"Why the hell must you be so loud Finn!"

"Why the hell must you be so short munchkin?" He replied with a smirk as he appeared in the living room with Quinn and Puck following behind him.

Rachel sighed,"I'm not short I'm-"

"Vertically challenged. Same damn thing just in a more technical term."

Rachel rolled her eyes, "Why are you here?"

Finn ignored her and walked in the kitchen,"Why the fuck didn't you cook Berry?" Finn asked as he took a beer out the refrigerator and popped it open.

"Why do you eat so much? You're getting kind of fat." Rachel said with a raised eyebrow as he walked over to her.

Finn laughed and raised his shirt to show off his rock hard abs that, despite herself, Rachel had to admit they we're quite impressive,"I don't think I'm getting fat." Rachel bit her lip as she continued to stare,"Ya know, it's not nice to stare."

Rachel looked up at him and scuffed then continued to watch her movie,"As if I would want to stare at you."

Finn chuckled and dropped down onto the sofa next to Rachel and put his feet up on the coffee table,"I missed you munchkin!" Finn said as he brought her into a big hug.

"Get off of me! You're wet!" Rachel said as she tried pushing him off of her.

Finn laughed and let her go,"As if you weren't wet for me anyways."

Rachel looked at him absolutely disgusted and scooted over a bit,"You're gross."

Finn laughed and looked at the tv,"Why are we watching this Broadway shit?"

"It is not shit. It is a classic. And we are not watching it I am watching it."

"For what? The billionth time?" Finn and Rachel continued to argue while Quinn and Puck watched in amusement.

Quinn and Puck always told Finn and Rachel that it was only a matter of time before the were jumping each other's bones. Then Finn and Rachel would look at them incredulously and then start talking at the same time before they started arguing again.

"Ugh! You are so frustrating! Quinn why the hell did you bring him here?"

"Because Puck was coming and Puck and I come as a two for one deal, right bro?"

"Fuck yes!" Puck agreed with a smile.

Quinn shook her head and started pulling Puck towards her room,"Don't get in between those two babe. You know what happens every time you do." Quinn said with a laugh.

"Are you just going to leave me out here with him?" Rachel asked Quinn incredulously.

"I need to get dressed, Finn, Puck, and I are going to a club. You should come with us instead of sitting in this apartment by yourself."

"But Quinn-"

"Finn! Please talk to her."Quinn said as she slammed the door behind her.

Finn turned to Rachel and smirked,"If you come you can be under the arm of a real man for once." Finn said as he wiggled his eyebrows at her.

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