chapter 10

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"Finn!" Kurt yelled the next day over the phone, "Why aren't you ready yet!?"

"I'm sorry! I went to sleep late!" Finn yelled back as he looked around for something to where for breakfast with his parents, Kurt, Blaine, and Michele.

"What could have possibly kept you up after I picked up Michele?"

Finn momentarily glared at Rachel who was sitting under the covers watching him multitask and try not to laugh, "Nothing. Look Kurt, I'll never be dressed in time if you don't leave me alone. I'll see you in an hour." Finn hung up the phone and sighed, "This is all your fault."

"How is this my fault?"

"You kept me up all night!"

"You could have stopped me at any point."

"I tried, but you kept saying things and touching me and since I'm a guy and you're hot, I couldn't resist!"

Rachel smiled, "You think I'm hot?"

"That's not the point! I'm going to be late for dinner and it will be all your fault."

Rachel chuckled and put on his shirt that was laying on the ground. She walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist as she looked up at him.

"You go take your shower and everything and I'll pick out your clothes."

"You don't-"

"I want to." Rachel said with a smile and kissed his chest tenderly.

Finn nodded, "Alright, thanks babe."

"No problem," she paused to give him a kiss on the lips, "But, seriously, do you really think I'm hot?"

Finn chuckled and nodded as he walked into the bathroom, "Very." He winked at her before closing the door and leaving it unlocked for her.

Rachel stood in the same spot for about five minutes smiling at the door like an idiot before biting her lip, to keep from squealing like a little girl, and started looking for some clothes.

About twenty minutes later Finn walked out of the bathroom in just a towel, his hair wet and tiny droplets from his hair rolling down his chest,

When Rachel saw him she tried her hardest not to get up and lick the water off of him, "You're clothes are laid out on the chair."


"Well," Rachel stood up, "I'm going to go make myself some coffee."

Finn nodded and started getting dressed. Rachel just bit her lip and quickly excited the room before she really made him late for his day with his family.

"Give me some." Finn said as he walked out of his room completely dressed twenty minutes later.

Rachel gave him her cup and looked him up and down, "I did good."

Finn rolled his eyes and he took two big sips, "Damn that was hot."

Rachel wiped his lip with her thumb, "Did you expect it to be cold?"

"Yes." Finn said sarcastically, "How do I look?"

"Eatable." Finn just stared at her and she laughed, "You look hot and you smell delicious now go."

Finn smiled, "Thanks." He bent down and gave her a kiss on the lips, "I'll see you whenever I see you."

"You may not see me for the rest of the day and that's all I get?"

Finn rolled his eyes dramatically and stared into her eyes as he pressed her back against the counter, slipped one hand under her shirt and squeezed her ass, put his index finger under her chin and-

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