chapter 18

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"Hey Finn," Kurt said when Rachel answered Finn's phone, "what time did you want me to drop off Michele?"

"Um, Finn has football practice, but I'll be at his apartment all day if you guys just want to come over and hang out until he get's out..?"

"Oh! Good morning, Rachel! I wasn't expecting you to answer Finn's phone."

"Good morning, he is still asleep and I want him to get as much sleep as he can before he leaves for practice and since I know you I decided to answer the phone instead." Rachel said as she looked over at Finn to make sure he was still sleeping peacefully.

"Oh okay, well, Michele and I can come over in about two hours. Is that good?"

"That's perfect. I'll see you guys in a bit."

"Okay, see ya."

"See ya." And with that the line went dead. Rachel sat the phone back on the nightstand then turned back to Finn who was just waking up.

"Good morning Finny." Rachel smiled when he opened his eyes all the way.

"Good morning beautiful." Finn mumbled as he pulled her closer to him by her waist and kissed her lips softly, "I like waking up like this." Finn mumbled when he pulled away.

Rachel bit her bottom lip to keep from smiling too hard, "Me too."

Finn smiled and kissed her lips once more, "Was that Kurt on the phone?"

"Yeah, him and Michele are coming over in two hours to hang out until you get out of practice."

Finn sighed, "I don't feel like going to practice."

"Well, you have to if you want to stay on the team."

"I know. But, I'd much rather be here with you."

"I'd much rather you be here with me too Finny."

Finn sighed and got out of bed reluctantly, "I guess I'll start getting ready."

"I'll make you some breakfast after I brush my teeth." Finn nodded as they walked into the bathroom together.

"Hey Kurt!" Rachel said cheerfully as she opened the door for him and Michele, "Hey Michele."

"Hey Wachy!" Michele gave Rachel's legs a quick hug before running into the apartment.

"Hey Rachel." Kurt smiled as he gave Rachel a hug and walked into the apartment, "So, what time does my brother usually get out of practice?"

"Usually at around three, but if his coach is in a bad mood he lets them leave at around five or six."

"Damn, I didn't know he practiced for so long."

"Sometimes I feel like I never get him to myself since it seems like he is at practice all day, but he told me that in probably a week or two he isn't going to have practice as much, it's only like this right now because it's the beginning of the season."

"When do you start rehearsals?"

"Three weeks. They are still trying to decided some roles."

"Don't rehearsals take up like...all of your time?"

"Yeah, but Finn and I will make it work."

Kurt smiled, "Hm, maybe you're better for my brother than I thought."

" thought I wasn't good enough for your brother?"

"No, I thought you were good enough, I just think you're even better than I thought. That's all." Kurt shrugged.

Rachel smiled, "Well, I'm glad you think I'm good for Finn."

Kurt smiled and nodded, "So, what's on the agenda for today?"

"We could go shopping, I've been needing to-"

"Whew Unka Finny?" Michele asked as she walked out of Finn's room.

"He is at football practice, but he's going to be here in a few hours." Michele nodded a little before going back into Finn's room.

Kurt laughed and shook his head, "That little girl is so attached to Finn."

"I think all girls are attached to him. He just has this natural charm about him, I don't even think he notices that he has it."

"Oh he doesn't, trust me. You would be surprised at how unattractive Finn thinks or, at least, in high school he thought he was unattractive. He thought girls only wanted him because he was quarterback and captain of the football team. He might still be insecure, but not as much as he was in high school because, I know he's my brother and everything, but he got some much hotter and his muscles are so much more defined."

"Really? He acts so…"

"Confident? I know. But, Finn is very insecure."

"Wow. I did not know that."

"Nobody except for like me and maybe Corinne and Santana know."

"What about Puck?"

"Nope, Puck would make fun of him for it so I know he didn't tell Puck."

Rachel rolled her eyes, "I don't understand their friendship sometimes."

"They keep each other grounded. They've helped each other through more things than anybody could count so I guess it works." Kurt shrugged, "So, about this shopping?"

"Oh yeah, I've been meaning to go shopping for forever, but I never had time...well, I had time...I just spent all of it with Finn."

Kurt laughed, "Well, luckily you have me to go shopping with, and no offense, but your fashion sense isn't that good. Don't take it personally."

Rachel frowned and looked down at her clothes, "Kind of late for that."

Kurt laughed and put a hand on her shoulder, "Sorry. I do it to basically everybody so it's not just you."

Rachel shook her head, "I'm going to go get my shoes and then we can leave."

Kurt nodded, "Michele! Come here, let's get your shoes back on so we can go."

"We go see Finny?" Michele asked as she climbed onto Kurt's lap.

Kurt laughed, "No, we not going see Finny. But, daddy is going to buy you some new dresses."

"Yay!" Michele yelled as she jumped off of Kurt's lap when he finished tying her shoes.

"Okay, let's go." Rachel said when she walked back into the living room.

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