chapter 6

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Sorry the chapters haven't been posting I've been having some problems with watt pad so the updates haven't been going well so I apologize, anyway on to the story!

"Finn I'm scared." Puck whispered as they waited to be called out onto the field.

"I am too, but we need to calm down. Because we are going to do good and make all of those fans love us you got it? When we get on that field we need to have that chemistry that coach always says we have when we're out on the field together, got it?"

Puck nodded, "Got it...I love you bro."

"That's a little too much." Finn said with a laugh and punched Puck in the arm lightly.

Puck laughed, "Sorry, I got a little too into the moment."

Finn chuckled, "It's alright. He said just as they yelled Puck's name.

Finn hit Puck's helmet, "Go head bro!" He said and Puck ran out there.

Finn laughed and waited like three more people until they called his name.

"Last, but not least! Fresh out of college! Here is your new quarterback FINN! HUDSON!"

When Finn ran out and was surprised to see how many people were in the stadium screaming so much that he swears he felt the ground shaking.

Finn looked up at the booth that he and Puck got and smiled when he saw his mom, Burt, Kurt and Blaine, Rachel, and his Goddaughter Michele cheering him on. He smiled and pointed up at them making them scream even louder.

About twenty minutes later they did the coin toss and the game started with the Jets receiving the ball first.

"We need one more touch down to win and we are on the other side of the field, and we only have thirty seconds left." Puck said dejectedly while they were in a huddle.

Finn hit Puck in the head, "We got this. Have confidence." Finn looked at everyone else, "We are going to do a gun and run, but, I want the two wide receivers, Puck and Mike, I want you two to run down the field and I'll throw it to whoever is open. Got it?"

"Got it!"

"Break on three! One, two, three..."

"Break!" They yelled and they all ran to their spots.

Finn looked at Puck just as Puck looked at him and they both smiled.

"Hut!" Finn yelled and as soon as he got the ball he took three steps back and as soon as he saw Puck open he threw the ball as far as could.

It seemed like everything was going in slow motion as the ball floated through the air. Everybody stood up in their seats and watch in fascination at how perfectly the ball landed in Puck's arms without a problem just as someone from the other team tackled him three yards before the touchdown.

Finn smiled and they quickly ran to the other side of the field and fist bumped Puck, "Hell yeah! Bro!" And they got in the positions, "Everybody gun and run! Hut!" He yelled.

He ran to the right this time, but nobody was open and somebody from the other team was charging at him.

"Shit," Finn said just as he noticed an opening. He quickly dodged the tackle before taking three quick steps forwards and he dove into the touch down just as he was tackled.

"Hell yeah!" Finn yelled in victory as he stood up. He threw his helmet off and turned the crowd. He gave them his signature half smile and wiped his jersey off as if he had dust on it.

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