chapter 41

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February 14, 2021 (1 year later)


"I'm going to strangle her, if she calls out my name one more time," Quinn groaned as Kurt laughed.

"I'm going to check on Finn, I'll be back in a bit, good luck."

Quinn rolled her eyes before plastering a smile on her face and entering the bedroom in their hotel room, "Yes, Rachel?"

"My dress won't fit! I'm too fat! The wedding is ruined!" Rachel cried.

"First of all, the dress does fit, you tried it on this morning, you're just being dramatic," Quinn said as she walked over to Rachel and easily zipped up the dress for her, "Second, I suggest you not mess up your make-up before Kurt has a bitch fit and I have to deal with two divas!"

"Bitch fit? Puck has really corrupted you."

"No!" Quinn closed her eyes and took a breath before opening them again, "You're just getting on my nerves, love," Quinn smiled sweetly and patted Rachel's cheek.

"I'm sorry. I'm just so nervous."

"I know how you feel, this is how I was before my wedding."

"I wanted to strangle you on your wedding day."

Quinn chuckled, "That's exactly how I feel about you right about now."

Rachel laughed and wrapped her arms around Quinn tightly, "You love me."

Quinn rolled her eyes playfully, "Unfortunately, I do and because of that let's fix your make-up before Kurt comes back and has a bitch fit too and make me strangle both of you."

"Dude! You're getting married in about half an hour, how are you feeling?"

Finn looked back at his long time best friend before dropping down on the sofa, "Nervous as hell, but ready."

"You sure? We could get you a ticket to Mexico and you could hang out with Tupac, but you'll have to send me pictures, I want to be the one to prove to the world that Tupac is still alive."

"You're ridiculous," Finn laughed as he took the cup of whiskey Puck was handing him, "This is the only cup I'm drinking. Rachel would kill me if she knew I was drinking before our wedding."

"She should have seen how hungover you were this morning. You're lucky Blaine managed to keep Kurt out of your room because he would have told Rachel."

Finn shook his head and laughed lightly, "I'll have to thank him for that. No word of this to Rachel, ever."

"You're just lucky your wedding wasn't this morning."

"I still can't believe you let me drink so much."

"I was just as drunk as you dude," Puck rolled his eyes as Blaine, who also had a glass of whisky walked into the living room of the hotel room.

"You two almost kissed last night, it was quite the turn on if I'm being honest," Blaine said as he nonchalantly sat on the couch with Ryder following as Finn and Puck started choking on their drinks.

"Seriously!?" Finn screeched when he stopped choking.

"No, I just wanted to see your reactions," Blaine laughed as he dodged the piece of ice Finn threw at him and fist bumped Ryder who was laughing just as much.

"You would be turned on if Finn and I kissed?"

"You guys seem to forget I'm gay. Like you two think two girls kissing is hot, I think two guys kissing it hot," Blaine said, still laughing at their uncomfortable faces.

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