chapter 39

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"Rach? You up?" Finn said as he walked into their room a few hours later.

Rachel looked up from her wedding magazine and sat it to the side before smiling up at him, "Hey, Finny! How was guys night?"

Finn shrugged as he peeled off all his clothes and climbed into bed next to her, "It was fun. We played pool and drank, you know same thing we always do. How was your night with the girls and Kurt?"

"Fun, we watched the Grammy's and talked about girl stuff," Rachel shrugged before straddling his lap, "what are we doing tomorrow?"

"I don't know what you're doing, but I'm going to go to the gym for a while before my meeting with my manager, why?"

Rachel frowned and rolled off his lap, "No reason."

Finn bit his lip to keep the smile of his face before kissing her lips softly until he felt her cave, "I love you."

Rachel smiled slightly, "I love you too…"

"I'm tired, let's go to sleep," Finn turned the light off before wrapping his arms around her tightly, "Goodnight, baby."

"Night.." Rachel said as she watched him close his eyes and slowly drift off to sleep.

Was this some kind of joke?

She thought to herself before slowly drifting of to sleep herself.

Hey babe, sorry I couldn't wait until you woke up, but I decided to go to the gym earlier today. I hope you don't mind. I'll see you are seven? Maybe we could go out or something? Call me! Love you.


Rachel stared at the card as she kept reading it over and over. He really forgot her birthday. No, he couldn't have. Maybe he remember, maybe he was planning some kind of surprise.

Who was she kidding? Finn probably would have caved and told her last night if he was planning something.

Rachel took out her phone and noticed she had no other messages from anybody. Until her phone started ringing. It was Finn.


"Hey baby! Were you sleep?"

"No, I-I just woke up, I got your note."

"Oh, cool, I forgot to tell you that I put-stop it! I'm I the phone-made some coffee and your breakfast is in the microwave."

"Who were you talking to just now?" Rachel asked when she distinctly heard the sound a woman's laugh in the background.

"Huh? Uh, nobody, just somebody at the, uh, gym," he paused, "look babe, I'm about to..get on the treadmill! I'll call you later! Love you, bye!" He said quickly before hanging up.

Rachel stared at her phone. Why was he rushing off the phone? Why did she hear a woman laughing at him if he was at the gym. Was he cheating? No way, he wouldn't do that. Like Kurt said. He loves you and everybody knows it. But, that doesn't excuse the fact the he forgot her birthday.

Rachel shook her head. No, he couldn't have forgotten. Rachel sat in the bed for a second before getting out of the bed and going eat her breakfast.

"Seriously Corinne?" Finn laughed when he got off of the phone with Rachel, "you could have blown my cover

Corinne smirked, "You had a fly on your ass so I had to get it off."

"By pinching my ass? The only person I'll ever allow to do that is Rachel."

Corinne rolled her eyes, "Whatever, where is Kurt? Shouldn't he be done picking everything up from the store by now?"

"Knowing Kurt he probably saw a few other things and decided to stop and get them, especially since he has my card. I still wonder to this day why I continue to do that," Finn shook his head as Santana walked in.

"Alright, bitches, I don't care for the hobbit, but Finn's my boy so let's get this shit over with."

"You're late."

"And you're crazy for not hiring a party planner, but do you see me complaining?"

Finn laughed, "Come on, let's start putting the cloths on the chairs and tables."

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