chapter 30

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"Finn! Rachel! Breakfast is ready!"

Rachel yawned and stretched, "Coming!" She called back before looking up at Finn.

"Baby, wake up. Breakfast is ready."

"Five more minutes," Finn mumbled and tightened his arms around her.

Rachel sighed, "Come on, get up, Finny." Rachel caressed his check with her hand before getting an idea, "I'm naked," Rachel whispered in his ear making his eyes shoot open.

Rachel laughed at his reaction, "Oh my goodness! I'm saying that to get you up all the time."

"That's not funny!" Finn pouted, "One of these days you're going to say that and you really are going to be naked, but I would have missed it because I thought you were bluffing."

"I guess you'll just have to wake up every time then." Rachel smiled and kissed his nose, "Come on, let's go get breakfast," Rachel went to climb out of bed, but he tightened his arms around her again.

"No," Finn pouted.

Rachel leaned in to kiss his lips for a moment, "Now will you get up?"

"Okay," Finn chuckled before rolling out of bed and stretching.

Rachel kissed his chest and handed him the shirt she just took off, "Put this on, I don't think my Dads would appreciate me going down stairs in just your shirt." Rachel laughed as she pulled on her own t-shirt and shorts before grabbing his hand, "Come on."

"Morning, LeRoy, Hiram," Finn mumbled as he sat down at the table.

"Morning Finn!" Hiram said brightly.

"You want some coffee, baby?" Rachel asked, rubbing his back.

"Yes, please."

"Not a morning person?" Hiram laughed.

"No," Rachel answered, "I don't know who's harder to get out of bed, Papa or Finn."

Hiram laughed as he started setting the table.

"You need any help?" Finn said as he started getting up.

"No, you sit down, Rachel and I have got this."

"You sure?"


Finn nodded and sat back down just as Rachel handed him his coffee," Thanks babe."

"Welcome," Rachel said before helping Hiram set the table.

"I hope you're prepared to meet most of the family today, Finn, because LeRoy and I invited them over to meet you," Hiram said after sitting down.

Finn's eyes widened and he started choking on his milk, almost spitting it out...almost.

Rachel glared at Hiram and immediately started patting Finn's back, "You okay?"

Finn nodded and patted his chest, "I'm fine, just went down the wrong pipe."

LeRoy and Hiram hid their laughs as they watched the two, "Sorry, I thought I told Rachel to tell you."

"No! Had I known I would have told you not to invite them because he was already freaking out that Dad was going to kill him!"

"It's cool Rachel. If I got your Dad to like me, the rest of the family should be a piece of cake," Finn shrugged and smiled at her dads, but Rachel could see right through him, instead of saying anything, though, she just squeezed his hand under the table, smiling when she felt him squeeze her's right back.

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