chapter 29

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The next few days went by way too quickly for Finn's liking. All week Finn did everything Rachel loved. He brought her to a few broadway shows, he took her on a boat ride in Central Park, he took her to a ballet, that he almost, almost slept through, but luckily made it through, Rachel loved it though, and the reward she gave him that night for bringing her was worth it. Plus, they moved into the penthouse, Corinne told him about, on Tuesday (something that Kurt was still decorating). He did everything he could think of, no matter how boring he thought it was, it was always worth it at the end of the day because she would always reward him for hours every night and a little in the morning.

That was until the day he had been dreading. He was going to officially meet her dads. Plural.

"It's right here," Rachel said to the cab driver as they pulled up in front of a two story house.

Finn paid the man and grabbed his and Rachel's bag before walking next to her, "Um..I don't feel too good, Rach," Finn said nervously as he stood behind her as she knocked on the door.

Rachel turned towards him and rested her hands on his chest, "You'll be fine, Finn, calm down," Rachel said soothingly before standing on her tippy toes to kiss his lips softly, "Better?"

Finn nodded slightly, but his eyes widened when the porch light came on, indicating that her dads were about to open the door.

"Daddy! Papa!" Rachel said excitedly as she wrapped her arms around both of them tightly.


"Songbird!" They both yelled as they hugged her back, leaving Finn standing back awkwardly.

After a while Finn cleared his throat making both her dads look at him.

"Oh!" Rachel giggled and grabbed Finn's hand, "Daddy, Papa, this is my boyfriend, Finn Hudson. Finn, this is my Papa, LeRoy, and this is my Daddy, Hiram."

Finn held his hand out to both of them, "N-Nice to meet you both," Finn said nervously as he looked at her Pap, obviously the scarier one out of the two.

"You too," Hiram said happily, "Come in, come in, are you two hungry thirsty?"

"Both," Rachel answered and followed behind both of them, "Calm down, baby," Rachel said as she stroked his arm, trying to calm him down as best she could.

Finn looked down at her like she was crazy, "Did you see the way your Papa was looking at me?" Finn whisper yelled.

Rachel chuckled and kissed his cheek, "He's just acting like that to scare you."

"Well, it's working." Finn sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Don't worry." Rachel said before pulling him into the kitchen, "What smells so good?"

"Your Papa made Salmon earlier. Finn, you aren't allergic to anything are you?"

"No, sir."

"Call me Hiram," Her daddy said, smiling when he noticed the way Finn pulled Rachel's seat out for her.

Finn nodded, "Okay, Hiram."

"So, Finn," Rachel's Papa said as he sat down across from them making Finn nervous, "What are your intentions with my Rachela? You're young, you're a football player, you must have girls throwing themselves at you all the time. Why my Rachela?"


"LeRoy, they just got here, let them settle in."

"No, it's fine," Finn said politely.

LeRoy smiled, "Go on.."

Rachel squeezed Finn's hand and Finn smiled down at her softly before looking LeRoy in the eyes, "You're right, I do have girls throwing themselves at me all the time, but the one thing that Rachel has and those girls never will is my heart. I'm, seriously, head over heels in love with your daughter, sir. Before we started dating if you would have told me that I would fall in love with Rachel I would have laughed in your face and called you crazy and went on with my life, but now that I know how it feels to be in love with someone as great as Rachel and to have her love me back," Finn paused and looked down at Rachel who was smiling up at him with tears shining in her eyes, "I don't think I can ever go back." He whispered before looking back at LeRoy who was smiling, "I think Rachel deserves the world and more, and while I can't give her that, I can, and will, do my best to do any and everything to make her happy. Even if that means meeting her very intimidatingly scary parents," Finn finished nervously rubbing the back of his neck as everybody laughed at his last statement.

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