chapter 2

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When she woke up the next morning she was a little confused on where she was until she sat up and all the events of last night came rushing back to her. She caught herself when she started to thinking more about something(specifically someone). Rachel sat there for a moment wondering why she was thinking about him so much before shrugging it off and walking towards the mirror to put her hair in a messy bun and walking out to make some breakfast for her and Finn.

Rachel quietly walked out of the room knowing Finn was still sleeping and over to the kitchen. She put her iPhone on the dock and let the music play softly in the background while she cooked.

Rachel looked in all of the cabinets to see where the pans were and when she finally found them she groaned when she noticed the pan she needed was on the top shelf. She climb on the counter to get the pan and when she finally got it she might have gotten a little too happy and she started falling backwards. Knowing she had no chance of staying up she just closed her eyes tightly and waited for the pain to come.

When it never came she opened one of her eyes and was surprised to se Finn's face. She looked around and noticed that she was laying in Finn's arms and not on the floor.

"What the fuck you trying to do Berry?"

"Well, if you hadn't put the pan I needed on the top shelf I wouldn't have almost fell."

"I have the apartment munchkin proof for a reason." Finn said with a smirk as he set her down on her feet.

Rachel rolled her eyes,"I don't have to make you breakfast." Rachel said as she turned the stove on.

"But you are."

Rachel rolled her eyes and turned back to him,"What happened? You were being such a sweetheart last night."

Finn chuckled,"Really? I don't recall."

"You know what I'm talking about Hudson, don't lie."

"I vividly remember you almost kissing me, though."

Rachel turned around blushing,"I don't know what you're talking about." Rachel said as she walked over to the fridge and started digging for things to cook.

"Yes you do! Admit it, I had you under my spell."

Rachel ignored him instead continued looking in the fridge until she found some bacon, eggs, and pancake mix.

"You never bring up me being a sweetheart...I'll never bring up you almost kissing me."

Rachel turned towards him to see if he was serious and smile when she saw it was and held her hand out,"You have a deal."

Finn smirked and put his hand in hers,"Deal." Finn went to let go off her hand, but Rachel tightened her grip.

"Show me your other hand to make sure you aren't lying."

Finn laughed,"You play dirty miss Berry." Finn took his other hand out of his pocket and spread them open to see and optioned towards his feet,"My feet aren't crossed either."

Rachel nodded and started letting go of his hand, but Finn tightened his grip this time,"Let me see your hand and your toes too ma'am."

Rachel laughed and did the same thing,"Happy?"

Finn looked her up and down,"Very."

Rachel rolled her eyes and roughly took her hand out of his hand,"Men."

Finn chuckled and started walking away,"Don't act like you haven't been checking out my abs ever since I walked in." Finn said with a smirk.

"I have not!"

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