chapter 34

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Just wanted to say sorry In advanced for this chapter and I hope you like it!

Once the game was over Finn and Puck met everyone outside and they all agreed to meet at Finn and Rachel's the next day before they all said their goodbye's and went their separate ways.

"Finally," Rachel mumbled tiredly when they reached their floor.

"Hello Finn."

Finn head jerked to the side when he heard her voice and pulled Rachel behind him, "What are you doing here? How do you know where I live? Did you follow me?"

"Oh Finn, don't be crazy, there are pictures of you coming in and out of this building and I noticed it, but that's besides the point. I saw your game tonight, you were really good."

"Kitty, what are you doing here, I told you to leave me alone."

"You didn't mean that, Finny. Especially since I am the mother of your son," She said motioning to the boy next to her.

"My what?" Finn said incredulously as he looked at the boy, that looked about two years old.

"His what?" Rachel said at the same time as she let go of Finn's hand.


"You-you told me you didn't have any kids."

"I don't! He isn't mine! You have to believe me Rachel."

"How old is he?" Rachel asked Kitty, ignoring Finn.

"Two years old."

"And the last time you were together was two years ago," Rachel looked at Finn, "there is no fucking way she could have been following you all this time and you not know she was pregnant."

"Rachel she-"

"I have to go," Rachel said before quickly getting back into the elevator and quickly pressing the close button.

"Rachel!" Finn yelled as he tried to stop the doors from closing, but wasn't successful, "Shit!" Finn yelled as he punched his door and turned to Kitty, "Why do you have to ruin every good thing I have in my life? Why!? You and me both know there is no possible way this kid is mine, he's probably for the poor guy you cheated on me with.

"Probably," Kitty shrugged, unfazed, "but, I needed to get her gone some kind of way."

"Were you even ever pregnant? All this time you've been following me and you have never looked pregnant," FInn balled his fist and clenched his jaw as he tried to calm down.

Kitty reached out to put a hand on his chest, but he quickly backed up and glared at her. She sighed, "Duh, I wouldn't have him if I was never pregnant," Kitty rolled her eyes, "Finn, can't you see how much I love you? Why don't we just stop this little game and be together?"

"I don't love you Kitty! I love Rachel!"

"If she really loved you she would have believed you instead of running away like a little bitch,"

"Don't, call her that, ever," Finn said before looking at the little boy who seemed to be in his own little world before looking at Kitty, "I want a DNA test."

"We don't need one. I know he's yours."

"How! How in the hell could you be so sure? We only had sex two times in our entire relationship and used a condom both times, "How could he possibly be mine?"

"Because I just know, Finn! Geez! Why don't you just fucking give up already and be with me. None of your other relationships aren't working for a reason."

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