chapter 15

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Finn had been looking for Puck for two hours and was just about to give up, until he thought about one more place.

Their favorite bar.

Finn told the chauffeur the name of the bar and he did a U turn towards the bar. They were there within ten minutes.

Finn quickly walked into the bar and immediately spotted Puck who was getting into a heated argument with someone else.

Finn quickly walked over to Puck and pulled him away from the man, "I'm sorry about him." Finn said quickly then pulled Puck out of the bar.

"Let go of me!" Puck yelled as he tried pulling his arm out of Finn's grip.

Finn tightened his grip, "What the hell is wrong with you? Why did you leave?"

"What the hell else was I supposed to do!?"

"Oh, I don't know," Finn said sarcastically, "How about stay and comfort the mother of your child!?"

"I'm not ready to be a father though Finn! I'm terrified."

"And what about Quinn? You think she's not petrified! You think she is ready to be a mother! I'm sure she is not! I'm sure all she wants at the moment is her boyfriend telling her everything is going to be okay. But, she can't have that you know why?" Puck shook his head, "Because he is at a club getting drunk and almost getting into fights because he is 'not ready'. I'm sorry, Puck, but this is something your father would do. You're acting like exactly like your father. Running away like a child because you 'aren't ready'."

Puck balled up his fists and glared at Finn, "I am nothing like my father."

"Could have fooled me. You're doing exactly what he did to you. Running away." Finn said as he got right in Puck's face dating him to punch him.

And as expected Puck went to punch Finn, but Finn quickly dodged the punch and punched Puck in the stomach. Puck bent over and held his stomach as he groaned in pain.

Finn bent down in front of Puck, "You're my best friend Puck. I won't let you run away from this like your dad did. We both know how it is to grow up without a dad and I don't want that for this kid. I also can tell how much you and Quinn love each other and I don't want you to miss out on that love because you aren't ready for this. I won't force you to come, but I'm going to go back to the apartment. Oh, and I'm sorry. Not for what I said, but for punching you, but I had to do it, I told you to use a condom that night and you completely ignored me and I had to do it for Quinn." Finn shrugged and was about to walk away until Puck stopped him.

"Wait..." Puck said as he stood his full height still holding his stomach, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have freaked out like that. I was just scared and-"

"It's okay to be scared, but running out was completely the wrong thing to do."

"I know. I'll admit that what I did was wrong and I have absolutely no excuse. You were right. I am like my dad in some ways, but I'm going to be the man that he never was and sit with her through the whole thing. After trying to get her forgiveness."

Finn laughed and wrapped an arm around Puck's shoulders, "How about starting off with an apology and promising to stick with her through everything or you'll have to get through me."

Puck laughed, "I guess."

Finn sighed as they got in the car, "I just got back and I already had to deal with all of this. I never even ate yet."

"You deserve it for not telling me about you and Rachel being fuck buddies."

Finn rolled his eyes, "Because we knew you and Quinn would make a big deal out of it like you do with everything else we do."

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