Chapter 17

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Levi's P.O.V.

We pulled into Uncle David's driveway and got out. Carson and Corbyn pulled in after us and got out of their cars. We all walked in and were greeted by their dog Boston. He also is a German Shepherd like Scout and came from the same breeder as Scout. I took off my shoes and sat on the couch. Boston sat beside me and licked my face. I wiped off my face and he snuggled into my side.

"There's water and pop in the fridge, snacks in the cupboard, and here's the TV remote. If you need anything just text me." Carson told me as the rest of them went upstairs.
"I don't have your number." I told him.

He nodded and asked me for my phone. I unlocked it and gave it to him. He put in his phone number and asked me for my phone number while giving me his phone. I put in my phone number into a new contact and gave him his phone back.

"Satan just texted you." He laughed.
"Oh. That's Parker." I said.
He nodded and asked "And who is Bagels?"
"Bradley. And before you ask what Rhett's is, it's Tyrannosaurus Rhett." I answered.
He laughed and gave me back my phone.

He went upstairs and I took out my DS. I started playing on it and after half an hour, the front door opened. I couldn't see who it was because their front door has stairs to get up to the main floor so it is lower. Boston started barking and went to go see who it was.

"Hey Bud." I heard Felix say to Boston. Felix walked up the stairs and saw me sitting on the couch.
"What are you doing here, runt?" He asked coming over to me.
"Bradley, Parker, and Rhett came over here since Corbyn and Carson invited them. When they told Val, she made them bring me with them." I answered.
He nodded and said "Well, I'm going to go change my clothes and take a shower. I'll be back in twenty minutes."

"Okay." I replied as he went upstairs.
Boston sat down beside me and laid his head on my lap. I heard Felix yell "What up Knuckleheads?" So I'm assuming he went into Corbyn's room.

Twenty minutes later, Felix came back downstairs and sat beside me.
"What game are you playing?" He asked.
"Pokemon Blue Mystery Dungeon." I answered.
"Nerd." He laughed ruffling my hair.
"Stop Felix." I said hitting his hand away.

He stopped and asked me "So what happened to your eye?"
"I got beat up and that's why I'm suspended." I answered.
"Then why are Park, Brad and Rhett suspended?" He asked.
"Go ask them yourself. They'll tell you more than I can." I answered pausing my game.

"Are you okay?" He asked me.
"Yeah. I'm fine. Just tired." I answered looking down.
"No you're not tired. I'm not stupid Levi. You're a terrible liar. So tell me what's wrong." He told me.
I sighed and looked up at him.
"I just don't understand why somebody would beat me up. I never did anything to them. They just started bullying me for no reason. He asked me if I was Parker, Bradley and Rhett's stepbrother and I said no. Then he just started beating me up. That happened three weeks ago. And now he did it again last Thursday. He never told me why he did it and that's what I don't understand. What did I do wrong?" I told him.

"Levi, you didn't do anything wrong. That kid is a total tool. And I'm going to tell you something. People don't have a reason when they do things like that. They also don't have a reason to hate you. They just do it because it helps them cope with their own feelings. When they feel upset and lonely, they want others to feel the same. Like with Corbyn. Do you really think Corbyn would kill you?" He said.

"In all honesty, yeah." I answered.
"Okay, so Corbyn just likes to scare his younger cousins. He used to scare the hell out of Rhett, Link, Kane and Ross and it was pretty funny. I'm happy my parents didn't have another kid because I don't know if it would survive being tormented by Corbyn. He's the youngest out of the three of us so he used to get tormented a lot too and to be honest, he still does. You're lucky you didn't grow up with him as a cousin. You would probably be hiding under the coffee table right now if you did." He told me.

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