Chapter 8

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Mikey walked back to his bedroom after realizing how late it was. He sighed and flopped onto his bed. As he did, something jabbed him in the back. He sat up, rubbing the hurt area, and looked behind him at what it was. It was Ray's coat.

Mikey's eyes widened and he grabbed the jacket with both hands. He reached into the pocket and found Ray's wallet, right where he had left it.

Mikey scrambled for his phone.

M: baby i accidentally took your coat and i have your wallet!!!!

R: Ah, I thought I was missing something. Mind if I drop by and pick it up real quick??

M: no, i can run it out to you, my parents are asleep

R: Great, I'll be there in 10-ish

Mikey stepped quietly down the stairs with Ray's jacket draped over his arm. He sat by the large front window and waited for the headlights of the black SUV to come up the street. When they did, Mikey managed to open the door without it squeaking. He raced down the lawn and to the driver's side of the car, where Ray was just getting the window down.

"Hey, baby," Ray said. He leaned out of the window for a kiss before taking his coat. "I completely forgot you had this."

"You forgot it was in your car, too," Mikey teased.

"Well, I only use it when it's, you know, cold," Ray said. He set the jacket down in the seat beside him and leaned out of his window. "Hey, let's go out tomorrow night," he said. He reached out and took Mikey's hand. "Just you and me this time. No family to bother us. We can do whatever we want."

"Oh, that sounds amazing," Mikey said. "I would love that."

"Friday night with my boyfriend." Ray squeezed Mikey's hand. "I love that."

Mikey froze. "Wait, did you say Friday?" he asked. Suddenly, his initiation was all he could think about.

"Yeah," Ray said slowly. "Today is Thursday, which would make tomorrow Friday."

"O-Oh, I can't," Mikey said. "I-I... I already have plans." He racked his brain for the cover story he was supposed to tell, but he couldn't find anything.

"What's the matter?" Ray asked. "Are you going out with your other boyfriend?"

Mikey laughed, but it wasn't his normal laugh. It was choppy and varied in tone. Ray furrowed his brow in confusion. "Are you okay?" he asked. "I'm starting to wonder if you actually have another boyfriend."

"No!" Mikey cried. "Never! I like you a lot!"

"Then what's wrong?"

"Just... They're plans I don't want to go through with. But there's no way around it; I absolutely have to."

"What are they?"

"They're... It's a family thing," Mikey said. He looked down at his feet. "It's, um, it's personal. I just... I really, really can't miss it."

"Okay," Ray said. "If you don't want to talk about it, I won't make you."

Mikey just nodded in response.

"Well, it's late," Ray said. "I'm gonna go home. I'll see you later, Mikey. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Ray."

Mikey started trudging back up the lawn and into his house. As he reached the top of the steps, Gerard's bedroom door flew open and he grabbed Mikey in a headlock. When he realized it was only Mikey, he sighed and let his brother go.

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