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Gerard sat on the couch, drumming his fingers on his thigh. Mikey and Ray walked in from the kitchen. Mikey clapped, excited. Ray just smiled, but it was obvious that he was just as excited as his husband.

"Aw, Gee," Mikey gushed, "You look so good! Are you nervous?"

Gerard stood up and looked into the mirror over the couch. "What do you think?" he asked. "This guy is the most amazing guy I've ever met, and we get to date like normal people this time. I'm fucking terrified!"

Mikey stepped behind his brother, smoothing out his shirt for him and nudging around pieces of his hair. Eventually, Gerard began batting Mikey's hands away. "Okay, mom," Gerard said, smoothing his hair back into place. "Calm down."

Ray laughed. "Don't be nervous, Gerard," he said. "Everyone knows how you and Frank feel about each other. Besides, you guys have dated in the past. That's an advantage. You're gonna be fine tonight. It's just gonna be you and him, and you can really, truly enjoy each other this time."

Gerard looked at Ray. "Thanks," Gerard said. "That actually helped a lot."

"So he's coming here, right?" Mikey asked, interrupting the moment between Gerard and his brother-in-law.

"Yep," Gerard said. "He's coming here. He should be here soon, actually."

Mikey clapped again. "Oh, Gee, I'm so excited!" he said. "Besides me and Ray, you and Frank are the best couple ever."

Gerard grinned. "Thanks, Mikes," he said.

At that moment, there was a knock at the door. Mikey squealed and Ray laughed, covering Mikey's mouth. Gerard hustled to the door, adjusting himself before opening it. Frank stood there, a smile on his face.

"Wow," Gerard breathed. "You look great."

Frank blushed. "I could say the same to you." Not realizing that Ray and Mikey stood a few feet away, Frank thought before taking the lapels of Gerard's jacket and pulling him down into a slow, passionate kiss. Gerard quickly accepted Frank's lips, reaching around Frank's waist.

Frank pulled away, his face bright red. "I'm sorry," he said, "Was that too much? I mean, it's our first date..."

Gerard laughed and kissed him again. "There's never enough you for me," he said quietly.

Mikey practically screamed from the next room, making the pair jump. "You guys are so fucking perfect together!" he cried. "Oh my God, I'm sorry, I'll leave you alone." As he said that, Ray was tugging him into the kitchen to give Frank and Gerard a bit of privacy.

Frank laughed, linking his hands behind Gerard's neck. "So," he said, "Where are you taking me tonight, baby?"

Gerard grinned, pressing his forehead against Frank's. "I was thinking..." He trailed off, losing himself in Frank.

"What?" Frank asked.

"Sorry," Gerard said. "I just... I missed you."

Frank smiled. "I missed you, too."

Gerard kissed Frank once again before speaking.

"I was thinking The Grove."

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