Chapter 13

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Mikey slunk into the house in front of Gerard. He started to head upstairs, but Gerard cleared his throat to stop him.

"Don't go upstairs," Gerard said. "Go out back."

"G-Gerard, are you going to kill me?" Mikey asked. It came out like a joke, but his fear was real.

"Go out back," Gerard repeated slowly.

Mikey followed his brother's orders and made his way onto the back porch. Mikey, already terrified, looked around. He had never realized how far apart the houses in his neighborhood were until he was afraid of being brutally murdered.

Gerard closed the door as Mikey sat down on one of their chairs beside the pool. Gerard walked over and stood in front of Mikey. He took a deep breath before speaking.

"What the fuck happened to you tonight?" Gerard sounded calm, but Mikey could sense the underlying rage.

"I-I froze," Mikey said. "I didn't want to do it, a-and I guess my body stopped me."

"Mikey, I cannot explain how I'm feeling right now. I am so unbelievably fucking furious with you! I was going to tell everyone what a good goddamn job you did, even if you barely did anything! But I can't even say that, because you just fucking stood there! Why the fuck do I have to do everything for you?! Huh?! Why is that, Mikey?!"

Mikey opened his mouth, but only a tiny, nervous squeak came out. Anger lit his brother's eyes like an open flame. It only made Mikey feel more intimidated.

"God, I can't fucking believe you. Do you even realize why I was out there tonight? That isn't my fucking job, Mikey. My job was done when I found the missing money and who we needed it from. But no, Sir said I should be out there with my brother to make you a damn powerhouse. I knew that wasn't going to happen, but fuck, I'm trying to get you into stealth and you aren't even fucking grateful! I've been out here busting my ass so you can be more comfortable. Here comes a job I can't get you out of, and you can't bring yourself to do it? One fucking thing Mikey, is that so fucking hard?!"

"I-I'm sorry," Mikey whispered.

Gerard stopped and looked at his brother. "You're sorry?" he said. "You're sorry?! Is that all you have to say to me? Mikey, I need you to understand something right now. You can't work with me. You can't work with mom. That only leaves dad. Stealth is open, but that's it. And yeah, as angry as I am, I'll probably still lie for you and tell them you deserve to be in stealth."

"Wait," Mikey said, "I-I can't work with you?"

"Is that the only thing on your mind?!" Gerard screamed. "I can't fucking believe you!" Gerard's eyes flared with anger for a moment more before the flame flickered out like a weakened candle. He sighed and rubbed his face, coming to a conclusion in his mind. "Fuck off, Mikey," he said. His voice was quiet again. "I'm going to bed. Don't you dare speak to me about this again. You're on your own from now on. I mean it."

Gerard walked away from his brother. Mikey waited for the door to slam behind him. He almost expected the glass to shatter. He pulled his knees against his chest and buried his face in his arms. When the tears began to flow steadily down his cheeks, he was ready for them.

Mikey sat sideways in the chair, his shoulder leaning against the back of it as he rubbed his face with the rough sleeve of his shirt. It was somewhat scratchy, and it just made his face even redder. He stayed in the chair as he sobbed for what felt like an eternity. He wished he knew what time it was, but it wasn't easy to tell. They had gotten home at nearly four o'clock, so it had to be half past by now.

Well, fuck, Mikey thought. He sniffed and wiped at his face. What do I do now? I'm all on my own.

Well, except for Ray.

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