Chapter 19

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"Where'd you go?" Mikey asked.

"I'm at Frank's house," Gerard said. "Why, is something wrong?"

"No, I just couldn't find you."

"Well then I'm gonna go," Gerard said. He hung up on his brother without another word. As soon as Gerard threw his phone to the side, Frank tossed his head back and let out a loud moan.

"Sorry about that, baby," Gerard said. He grabbed Frank by the hips, squeezing his bare skin gently. "Could have been business, you know." Gerard sat up, snaking his arms around his boyfriend and pressing sloppy kisses all along Frank's neck and chest. Frank just moaned in response, continuing to bounce himself up and down on Gerard.

Gerard moved his fingers through Frank's shaggy black hair, grabbing a fistful at the base of his head. He pulled, the movement sudden and hard. Frank's breath caught, making Gerard smirk.

Gerard lightly lifted Frank off of his member and situated himself behind his boyfriend. He had just entered Frank completely when they heard a noise from downstairs. The couple froze. They didn't have to listen for long to realize that Frank's parents had come home.

Gerard swore, quickly pulling out of Frank and jumping off the bed. He pulled the condom off and tossed it into the trash bin. The two began trying to dress themselves as quickly as possible.

"Gee, I'm so sorry," Frank said. "I honestly thought we had longer."

"It's not your fault, sugar," Gerard said. He paused buttoning his jeans to plant a kiss on Frank's lips.

"Maybe we can, um, continue... some other time..."

Gerard chuckled. "You're a little slut, aren't you?"

Frank blushed. "Only for you," he said, slapping Gerard's arm with his shirt. "You want me to sneak you out or no?"

Gerard sighed. "Why try?" he asked. "Your dad knows me."

"But you're my boyfriend, and he just came home while we were fucking."

Gerard grinned. "We don't know that he knows that."

Frank sighed. "Let's just hope I'm not grounded forever."

Frank took Gerard by the hand and they made their way down the steps. Frank's father was helping Linda get her shoes off. She was holding a large, bright red leaf, admiring it with the tiniest hint of a smile on her face. As soon as Gerard laid eyes on the woman, everything Frank had told him came flooding back to him, and he felt his heart overflow with sudden affection for her.

"O-Oh," Frank's father said as he noticed them. "Hello, Gerard. Nice to see you again."

Gerard smiled and nodded respectfully. "Always a pleasure."

Frank's father, clearly caught off guard by what was happening, cleared his throat. "Have you, uh, have you met my wife?" he asked.

"I don't believe I've had the privilege," Gerard said. He waltzed over to Linda and took her unoccupied hand. "Hello, Mrs. Iero. It's wonderful to finally meet you. Your son says such fine things about you, and I can tell he's right."

Linda tilted her head at Gerard. She merely blinked, nodded ever so slightly, then returned her attention to her leaf.

"I'm sorry this meeting was so brief," Gerard said, looking at Frank's father, "But I really must be on my way. Have a lovely evening, sir."

"And yourself."

Gerard walked back over to Frank. They walked out onto the porch, where Frank sighed heavily.

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