Chapter 15

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"When do we have to be there?" Mikey asked. His blue satin tie rested over his clenched fist as he spoke, his suit jacket hanging off of one shoulder.

Donna pulled Mikey's sleeve back up so that he was actually wearing it. "We're expected to be arriving at least an hour before the party begins."

Gerard sniffed, adjusting his sleeves at the wrists. "You're talking like we're celebrities."

"You're forgetting that your father and I are celebrities," Donna said with a grin.

Gerard smiled at his mother. "Ah, yes," he said. "How could I? Deadliest couple in America, aren't you?"

"Not quite," Donna said. "We're getting there, but we're also getting older. We're slowing down."

"What?" Mikey asked. He snaked his tie around his neck. "You're still, like, 20, mom."

Donna swatted at her son with the end of her sparkling black shawl. It contrasted nicely with her white dress and straw-blonde hair. "Oh, sweetheart," she said, "Tonight is supposed to be lovely. You shouldn't lie to me."

Mikey took his mother by the hand and spun her around. "Love you, ma," he said.

Donna smiled. She pulled him down to kiss his forehead. "I love you, too, darling."

Gerard snorted, pointing at the red lip-print on Mikey's forehead. "Might wanna go wipe that off," he said. Mikey rolled his eyes and retreated to the kitchen.

Donald's heavy footsteps entered the living room. Donna seemed to float over to her husband to plant a kiss on his lips. They murmured something to each other before smiling and returning to normal.

Mikey emerged from the kitchen, a faint red smudge still visible on his face. Donna took her thumb and rubbed the rest away.

"Tie your tie," Donald instructed. "We're leaving."

Mikey nodded. "Sorry, dad."

The family soon herded out to their official black car. This time, rather than heading to Il Segreto, they took a new path to Il Buco. It was being borrowed from the small mob no one paid attention to so that The Left Hand Men wouldn't know their true meeting place.

When they arrived, there were only four people there other than the restaurant staff. Joe and Jim stood in the corner, masks already on, playing darts and drinking. Sir and his wife sat at a table along the wall, laughing about something. They were also wearing their masks.

"Jim!" Donald called. Jim turned, and Donald gestured for the man to join his family.

"Good to see you all," Jim said, bowing. Joe skulked up behind him, scowling slightly.

Donald ignored the second man, slapping a hearty hand down on Jim's back. The two laughed and embraced. "You had better throw a good party, my good man!" Donald said. The two laughed again.

"Well, I try my best," Jim said. "Joe, will you fetch these lovely people their masks?"

Joe slunk away from the family. Mikey watched him walk into a room at the back of the restaurant. A few moments later, he emerged, four masks in his hand. He held them all out to the Ways, who took them in order. Mikey's was on top, then Gerard's, the Donald's, then Donna's. They all thanked him. He only gave a solemn nod in response.

"Well, make yourselves at home," Jim said. "There's an open bar, we've got darts, there are card decks around, and there are cigars all over. Get settled in before the fun begins, yeah?" He grinned at the family.

Gerard nudged his brother. "Wanna play cards?" he asked. "I'll teach you to gamble."

Donna laughed. "Teach him the art of it, darling," she said. "Don't let him be cheap about it."

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