The Real World

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"Rosé, what is this supposed to be? Seriously" Jennie asked with a look of disgust on her face as she poked the food on her lunch tray.  "It's what is commonly referred to as a sandwich Jen" Rosé replied sarcastically while covering her mouth as she still had food in it, and her mother taught her not to talk with her mouth full but then again her mother taught her not to break the law too, ah well. "Fairly sure sandwiches are supposed to be made of bread and filling, not cardboard and some kids old play dough" the brunette whined as she again acted over the top forcing the food down, occasionally coughing as she swallowed the sandwich. Rosé snickered under her breath, she found it amusing when her cellmate behaved like an upper class drama queen. Jennie and Rosé's attention were grabbed by the sound of various inmates banging a tune out on the table while singing to 2NE1's Come Back Home. They both looked up and to no surprise to the younger of the cellmates it was Lisa and her posse.

Jennie noted how a gorgeous blonde was sitting on the table with her feet resting on the chair, a red head next to her was leaning across the table on her elbows and in fact none of the girls were sitting in an orderly way, which the warden next to them didn't seem to mind a bit, in fact he was smiling as the girls sang. Rosé took this as an opportunity to introduce Jennie to the gang everyone feared, "The light orange haired chick who looks like she couldn't hurt a fly is Joy, the one I told you about" she said as Jennie looked over to where her cellmate was discretely pointing. "The two black haired girls banging out the beat on the table are Chaeyoung and Dahyun, they look cute but they're deranged as heck, they kidnapped their high school principle, stuffed her into the trunk of their car and drove her out of town leaving her in the middle of the woods because she was gonna expel them and they didn't wanna get grounded". Jennie's eye widened dramatically, her eyebrows raising as high as they could as she slowly turned to face Rosé who was also nodding with raised eyebrows, knowing exactly what Jennie was thinking as she reacted the same way when she found out what the two girls did. " that not both the most crazy and most ridiculous thing you've ever heard?" the dark haired girl whispered while Jennie tried to supress her giggles of disbelief behind her hand. Rosé continued the introduction, "The brunette with the bangs is Wendy, the red head is Jisoo and the blonde...well I don't think I need to tell you who the blonde is". Jennie choked on her sandwich a little "Wait what, THAT is Lisa Manoban? Ok wow I wasn't expecting that, I imagined her all muscly and nuts but she's sexy. And listen to her laugh omg how is anyone scared of her? I'd just pinch her cheeks and pat her head if she tried to threaten me" she chuckled amused at the mass hysteria of the inmates in here who are scared of this ray of sunshine with the infectious laugh.  

Before Rosé could reply a dark brown haired girl across the hall stood up on their table and yelled at Lisa and her gang, it was Jihyo. "Shut the fuck up Manoban or you'll get sentenced for yet another murder...killing 2NE1's songs you bunch of talentless apes", the food hall erupted into laughter as Lisa just yelled back at Jihyo without moving to looking at her rival "Naega jeil jal naga mother fucker!". Jennie again quickly turned to her cellmate, "She killed someone?! Oh shit". Rosé sighed while returning to her food "Yup, she's a legit thug. Car jackings, robbery etc, she denied the murder charge, claimed she was framed but you would plead innocent to murder when it gets you 25 years wouldn't you? I told you she is totally fruit loops, don't let her sex appeal fool you".

Their lunch break had finished and now was two hours of leisure time where inmates could read or just hang out with each other, under the watchful eyes of the armed wardens. Jennie and Rosé were just going to go back to their cell room, neither of them feeling comfortable being loose with all the other inmates, as they walked through the corridor and up one of the staircases, Jennie spotted Nayeon sitting in the corner being harassed by Lisa who was calling her names and throwing paper at her from a distance. Due to the childish nature of Lisa's school yard bullying, the brunette was once again fooled into thinking that Lisa didn't need to be taken seriously, she still really didn't grasp what prison was like. She decided to walk over to Nayeon and give the girl some company and distraction from the 5 year old acting Thai being mean to her. Rosé tried to prevent Jennie from approaching Nayeon, whispering "Jennie no" under her breath but her cellmate wasn't prepared to pay any attention and ignored Rosé's pleas. "Hey Nayeon! Are you ok? Do you want to hang out with me and my friend for a bit?" she said sweetly with a smile, prompting a confused and awkward smile back from the distressed Nayeon who couldn't comprehend Jennie's weird behaviour, she didn't respond. "Oh look, it's little princess to the rescue" Lisa remarked as she walked over to the two girls, with Jisoo following closely behind her, grinning sadistically. Lisa stood directly in front of Jennie, the latter now getting a chill in the notorious Manoban's presence. "Nayeon is my new play mate and I haven't given her permission to talk to you little princess so why don't you go back to your castle, unless of course, you want to play with me too?" she sneered, standing very close to Jennie now, looking her in the eyes in attempt to threaten her, which was working.

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