She Loves You

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"Wakey wakey ladies"

Lisa lay on the outside of the bed with her back to Jennie, who was spooning her from behind. She stared across the cold dull cell, she'd been awake all night, too scared to sleep in case the spy next to her slit her throat in the night, she felt Jennie tighten her grip on the blonde's stomach as she stirred from her sleep. A warm breath and gentle kisses on Lisa's neck made her skin tingle, mostly from fear but she couldn't deny she craved affection from the older girl. "Good morning beautiful" Jennie grumbled in a sleepy tone. "Yeah" Lisa replied coldly. ~Mood swing number 105~ Jennie thought to herself as Lisa started to try and shuffle away from her, but the older girl maintained her firm grip, not wanting to let the Thai go. "What's wrong baby?" she uttered in a soft caring voice before kissing Lisa's cheek. "Nothing", the younger girl responded in the same cold blunt manner as before. Jennie sighed "are you sure? You seem distant. Even last night know, you didn't seem like you were really there". Lisa managed to free herself from the brunette's grasp and tied her hair up, placing on her prison jump suit, "I'm fine, why wouldn't I be". The Thai flashed Jennie a big grin before leaving the cell but the older girl wasn't convinced, to her it seemed forced.

~I have the most temperamental girlfriend on the planet I swear, crazy Thai~ Jennie smiled to herself as she realised what she had thought. Girlfriend. Today she had decided she was going to tell Lisa she loved her, she knew it was stupid but the bipolar blonde was all that made her happy, and after experiencing a month without her Jennie realised that Lisa really was the only good thing she had going for her right now. 

Jennie joined the gang at the table, everyone was already there except for Lisa, which was odd seen as she left the shower rooms with Jisoo and Joy. "Do you know where Lis is?" the brunette asked Rosé, "uh no?" the Australian replied with a raised eyebrow. Jennie felt a little uncomfortable like something was off, the girls were being different with her somehow, even though they were obviously trying to act natural, and Lisa was gone but nobody seemed to care. Rosé and Joy were the only people acting genuinely natural. There was an awkward silence around the table as the poorly veiled tension was obvious to everyone. Suddenly Chaeyoung burst out laughing out of nowhere, causing everyone on the table to stare at her. "Sorry...I just remembered a funny joke..." she said nervously, "ouch!", the young girl grumbled as Dahyun kicked her under the table. "What are you doing idiot?" Dahyun whispered to the pouting Chaeyoung. "I was trying to break the tension" she whispered back in response, prompting her friend to roll her eyes at her. "Lisaaaaa" Wendy called as finally the leader arrived, proceeding across the room to join the girls. Jennie smiled brightly unable to contain her excitement at seeing the blonde, that was until she saw Nayeon following closely behind and nervously taking a seat at the table. ~Oh no, don't tell me she's bullying poor Nayeon again. For fuck sake Lis~. "You all know Nayeon, Nayeon this everyone" Lisa casually introduced the girl to the gang with a smirk on her face. Nayeon sat in silence all through breakfast, completely terrified, she evidently wasn't there by choice. "We'll have to add another table to this one soon if we adopt any more strays" Jisoo jested sarcastically as she ate her food. An unfriendly sarcasm that Jennie herself was once subjected to by the girls before acceptance, that sadly Rosé still got. Lisa laughed cruelly "What can I say? I have a lot of love to give". Jisoo shook her head while grinning, "oh yeah, you're a real generous spirit Lalisa". Both girls playfully blew kisses and winked at each other.

"Money Skippy, it's recreation time, where are you going?" Dahyun asked suspiciously as the two girls linked arms and walked away from the gang who were heading to Lisa and Jennie's cell. "We are just quickly going to the library to get some new books" Jennie responded sweetly and sincerely but the gang were not buying it, Jisoo and Lisa eyed each other weirdly but the two friends had already walked away and missed the unbelieving glances between the group. Chaeyoung raised an eyebrow as the gang watched the two girls walk away, "Jihyo and Irene got in trouble for skipping work duties a while ago, because they were in the library instead". "Isn't the library where Jennie works?" Wendy enquired coldly, already knowing the answer. Lisa nodded while sucking her teeth, "Yup...". "Guess we know their meeting place" Jisoo uttered emotionlessly before the girls turned around to head to the cell. "NAYEON!" Lisa yelled as she saw Nayeon trying to slink away at the other end of the corridor, believing she'd got away with it, "don't be so anti-social, you're coming with us" the blonde used her index finger to gesture Nayeon to follow them, but without looking in the girl's direction. The tormented girl shuddered in fear but ultimately followed the group.

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