Nayeon's Lucky Day

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Recreation time had past, the two girls had sat in their cell in silence, neither wanting to think about the words they had exchanged shortly before, but equally not being able to think about anything else. Luckily for them their conflicting thoughts were interrupted by the alarm, it was time for dinner. They did not speak as they made their way to the food hall but Lisa stuck close to the older girl so she could protect her if Jihyo and her girls came looking for vengeance. "What happened to your pretty face rich girl?" one of the inmates sneered as they stood in front of Jennie, grinning at the sight of her hurt. Lisa stepped forward in between the brunette and the inmate, pushing her back against the wall "Same thing that'll happen to yours if you don't fuck off". The inmate gulped too scared to make eye contact with the Thai, "sorry Manoban, didn't realise she was still with you guys". "I'm not the one you should be apologising to, say you're sorry to Jennie. Now." Lisa uttered in a sinister tone, making the inmate go pale. The girl shuddered "yes of course, I'm sorry Jennie". Jennie was a little uncomfortable, she didn't know how to respond, Lisa however wasn't impressed "wasn't very formal was it? That how you speak to your superiors? Did your parents never teach you manners?" the blonde tutted. The inmate gritted her teeth before bowing to Jennie "I am very sorry Miss Kim, I promise you it won't happen again". Lisa smirked as she patted the inmate's cheek, "Better. Now that wasn't so hard was it?". The two girls continued towards the food hall as Jennie leaned in towards the blonde to whisper "was that really necessary?" she enquired, still uncomfortable. Lisa smiled cockily, "No, not at all. But it was funny though". The older girl couldn't contain her smile as the Thai giggled beside her.

Lisa and Jennie joined the gang at the table, prompting stares from pretty much everyone. "Decided to join us this evening eh Money?" Chaeyoung quipped sarcastically. Jennie simply nodded as she sat down. Wendy leaned forward across the table "So does Money know about the library sitch?". Lisa shook her head as Jennie raised an eyebrow, "no she doesn't, we got distracted by Jihyo and her morons. Where is Jihyo by the way?" the Thai asked while glancing around the food hall. Jisoo chuckled "solitary confinement for fighting with wardens, Irene is in there too". The blonde burst out laughing "Oh that's priceless. Remind me to send them a welcome home gift in a few weeks". The girls on the table all laughed amongst themselves before Jennie took their attention "what it this library thing I'm supposed to know about?". Lisa banged her one hand on the table while swallowing her food "Oh yeah, right. The girls took some books earlier without checking them out properly, strictly speaking. We will return them of course but for now we need you to cover it up for us until we put them back, ok?". Jennie nodded her head slowly, full of suspicion "...okkkk". "We are starting a Book Club" Dahyun said abruptly causing Wendy and Jisoo to snicker at her. The brunette furrowed her eyebrows "A book club? With stolen books...". Chaeyoung nodded "yeah it is um an...illegal book club". "We have a reputation to uphold after all, rebels and all that" Dahyun added enthusiastically. Jisoo and Wendy buried their faces in their hands and shook their heads. "Chaeng, Dubu?" Lisa said softly. "Yeah?" they both replied in unison. "Please stop talking" the blonde continued as both girls hung their heads, getting back to their food. "You ok Joy, you seem quiet?" Wendy asked sincerely. Joy just nodded, not looking up at the gang. She was upset about Rosé and Jennie.

The girls left the food hall and all made their way to Lisa and Jennie's cell to chill for a while before lights out on the way Lisa spotted Nayeon and couldn't resist the urge to bully the girl. Nayeon was very sweet, very pretty and very vulnerable, Lisa's favourite type of victim. "Hey Nayeon, how you been cutie" the Thai sneered as she trapped the poor girl against the wall. Lisa was just doing her usual bully routine but after seeing her kissing Nayeon, jealousy took over Jennie and she stormed off, this didn't go unnoticed by Lisa and the other girls. "Jen?! Where are you going?" the blonde yelled as she ran after her cellmate. "Fuck off Lisa" the older girl yelled back as she continued towards their cell. The gang all looked at each other, "lets leave them to it" Wendy said as the others nodded, "yeah, Nayeon it's your lucky day, scram" Jisoo added as Nayeon quickly left.

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