Innocent Even When Proven Guilty

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"Namjoon? It's Jennie, I need your help big time", Jennie leaned up against the walls holding the phone close to her mouth so that her friend would be able to hear her but the inmates next to her could not.

"Nini? Not that I'm not glad to hear from you don't get me wrong but I'm visiting you later today. Can't you ask me then?" Namjoon asked with concern.

Jennie looked around to make sure nobody was eavesdropping "It's because you are visiting later that I'm calling now. I am in the shit right now like you wouldn't believe. Some crazy bitch is after me who got sent down for murder, she protests her innocence, I need to know for sure if she really did it or not, I'm freaking out here".

"Hey hey calm down, explain slowly, why is the woman after you and if she's been sentenced for murder then she is probably guilty Jen".

"I sort of punched her in the face, well not sort of, I did punch her in the face and she was going to stab me or something, or at least she threatened to hurt me" Jennie replied with an increasingly frantic tone.

"Holy shit Jennie what the fuck. You've only been there a short while and you're already assaulting murders?! You know what, I don't even wanna know. But what do you want me to do about her prison sentence, I don't understand what you want from me here"

"She claimed she was framed, I mean that is a possibility right? I need you to find whatever you can on her murder trial, her name is Lalisa Manoban. I just want you to look over as much of the evidence and see how concrete it is, or if you think there is a possibility she really was framed, and I need to know today when you visit, I can't hide from her any longer than that. As both my friend and my lawyer I trust you with my life Namjoon, whatever you think I'll believe. Please, I need to know if I'm in any real danger or not" the brunette's eyes began to swell as she pleaded to her friend down the phone.

Namjoon sighed "Ok Jennie, I'll do as much as I can but you're only giving me a few hours here. I'll get it done though, just hold tight. See you later babe, love you"

Jennie leaned her head back, pushing her hair away in relief "Thank you so so much, I love you too, lotsss".

During breakfast Jennie sat alone at a table nearest to the wardens and the exit, Lisa was sitting where she always did with her gang, unlikely to be able to see Jennie with all the people in the way. Rosé hadn't said a word to Jennie at all this morning, she proceeded to the showers without the brunette and was now sat somewhere that Jennie couldn't see. She hadn't felt this alone and vulnerable since arriving here. "You're the dumbass that punched Lisa aren't you?". Jennie looked up in the direction of the unfamiliar voice to see a sweet looking girl with short blonde/brown hair sitting down across from her, "uh yeah" she responded shortly. The girl smiled and shook her head while opening a sugar packet into her drink "That was crazy, I can't even imagine what was going through your mind to do something like that. Did you not know who she was? Or do you like have some weird death wish, cause that is intense as fuck dude" the girl laughed, not seeming to care that she was being seen socialising with Lisa's new target. Jennie tucked a few strands of hair behind her ear, looking at the table awkwardly, "I was trying to defend myself I guess, I don't know I don't normally do stuff like that I just..". The still smiling girl cut Jennie off "Hey you don't need to explain yourself to me dude, I think it is pretty cool to be honest, was so funny seeing her being taken down a notch. And the look on her face? Man it was fucking priceless, she looked like a toddler who just dropped their ice cream I was in tears" she chuckled replaying the event in her mind "I'm Jeongyeon by the way" the girl said as she extended her hand out to be shaken. Jennie returned the gesture politely "I'm Jennie, I am surprised you're happy to be seen talking to me, everyone else is avoiding me like the plague". "Nah, she doesn't scare me, I bet if everyone stopped being so frightened of her and her little girl gang they'd lose all their power pretty quick" Jeongyeon mumbled through her food that was currently causing her cheeks to puff out. Jennie was still very much concerned for her own safety but the brash and near poor mannered Jeongyeon was bringing her some comfort, she even stopped keeping her eye out for Lisa every few seconds as the two girls talked and laughed.

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