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"Morning ladies" a deep voice yelled as the shrill alarms rang around the prison. Lisa grumbled as she began to stir from her sleep her body becoming suddenly tense as she realised she wasn't alone in bed. Her big brown eyes opened slowly to see Jennie laying next to her, her one arm rested across the Thai's waist. Lisa started to panic, a strong desire to punch the older girl and run, her hands shaking as the brunette was also now stirring from her sleep. Jennie stretched and yawned in a way that reminded Lisa of a cat. The older girl opened her eyes, being greeted by Lisa's gaze. ~Wow she has cat eyes too~ the Thai thought to herself as her body began to relax a little. "Morning" Jennie said sleepily, smiling at the awe struck blonde. "Uh yeah" she responded awkwardly. Jennie snuggled her face into Lisa's neck, "I don't wanna get up". The younger girl melted at the brunette's clinginess, the Thai still felt in control to some extent so her discomfort soon went away, she didn't reply to Jennie, but she did gently stroke her hair as the two girls embraced.

Jennie sighed, her feelings hurt as Lisa yet again rushed off to the showers without her. What more did she have to do to win this girl's heart? ~It's for the best if she rejects you. Even if it hurts~ she thought as got changed after showering and made her way to the food hall. The brunette grabbed a tray and her food items and walked over to the gang's table, she was about to sit in the unoccupied seat at the end of the table until she felt Lisa grab her arm and pull her down next to her. Jennie blushed as Lisa held her hand under the table. The Thai's cheery mood didn't go unnoticed by her best friend Jisoo, who kept darting her eyes between Lisa and Jennie as she witnessed the occasional glances and shy smiles they shared. "Rosie unnie! Come sit here" Joy shouted as the scarred and bruised Rosé came into view. The gang frowned at Joy like she was crazy, she was far from high enough in the pecking order to be inviting people to the table, especially some softy like Rosé but when Lisa saw the fixed look of concern on Jennie's face, she for some reason caved. "Hey, Skippy, sit" Lisa said very authoritively as she snapped her fingers and pointed at an empty seat next to them. "Skippy?" Wendy whispered. "Yeah, Skippy the Bush Kangaroo" Lisa smirked, glancing at a blushing Jisoo, recalling her terrible insult from weeks ago. Rosé was scared to sit with Lisa's gang but after her harrowing experience with Jihyo's gang she really didn't want to risk getting herself hurt again, besides Jennie was there which comforted her slightly. "Wow, you look like a whole mess" Dahyun said in amazement as she stared at all the cuts and wounds on Rosé's face. Chaeyoung pushed her friend "Tactful as always, rude ass. But you do look like the living dead dude" she uttered as the Australian looked down. Jennie gently placed her hand on her former cellmate's shoulder, a gesture that was returned with a weak smile. "So what happened to you?" Lisa enquired casually, eating her breakfast. Jennie felt knots in her stomach. "Jihyo and her girls wanted me to be their little servant, I refused" the dark haired girl replied in a soft voice. Lisa and Jisoo looked at each other and shrugged, not entirely believing the battered girl.

Breakfast continued as normal for the gang but Jennie and Rosé sat in awkward silence, looking at each other sometimes as a sort of non verbal display of support for each other. "There's something I've always wanted to know Skippy" Wendy began, prompting everyone to look at Rosé, "you were a trainee, everyone knows you can sing and write songs, you obviously had a career ahead of you. Why would you do something so stupid as smuggling drugs into the country?". The table fell silent, all intently waiting for the girl's answer. Rosé cleared her throat, nervously, "I didn't know I was". Jisoo laughed, "you were an accidental drug mule?". The bruised girl blushed with embarrassment, "Yes...I went back to Australia to visit my family for a couple of weeks. My sister introduced me to some friends she had made while studying. One of them was this guy Jason, he was nice, cool, seemed like a normal guy. He told me he was moving to Korea to teach English and that he'd travel with me. Before we got to the airport he gave me this Chinese statue of a dragon, said it couldn't fit in his luggage because it was too full so asked if I could take it through the airport and give it back to him when we landed in Seoul. I agreed, then when I tried to take it through customs at the airport in Seoul, I was taken aside by security, they smashed the statue open and it was filled with bags of cocaine. Jason was nowhere to be seen, he saw me get taken by security and ran off". "Oh shit that's terrible" Joy said in a sad tone, totally whipped for Rosé. "You really didn't know they were drugs? You just trusted this stranger to carry stuff through an airport for him? Bruh..." Chaeyoung scoffed with a grin. The Australian tucked her hair behind her ear still very embarrassed "I grew up in a modest Christian family, I wasn't very religious back then but I was very naïve and trusting. Something like that wouldn't have ever crossed my mind in a million years, in my little world people didn't do things like that. Of course the courts didn't believe that". Lisa laughed while eating her food "Kudos to you Skippy, I think you're the first person I've met who managed to be so innocent it was a crime". Jennie smirked at Lisa's comment, spitting out her drink back into the cup a little as she tried to supress her laughter.

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