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"Ouch" Jennie grumbled as she regained consciousness her head throbbing from the assault the night before, though she was in pain she felt well rested, nothing like being knocked out by a nutjob to cure your insomnia. The brunette slowly opened her eyes, his vision being greeted by the deep brown doe eyes of Lisa Manoban, "Morning princess!" the Thai squealed like a child, "you are cute when you sleep" she continued while grinning. "How long were you watching me?" Jennie asked groggily while sitting up. Lisa smirked "Not long enough to be too creepy but long enough to make you uncomfortable". Jennie stood up but had trouble keeping her balance she was still very scared of Lisa but was too out of it to show much reaction, Lisa noticed that she'd obviously injured her new cellmate. "The wardens are going to notice your strange behaviour, so what are you going to tell them if they ask?" the blonde asked sternly, her childish grin dropping. "I didn't sleep much and I'm tired" the brunette responded in a whimper. Lisa raised her eyebrow "Clever girl".

Lisa rushed away from Jennie, meeting up with Jisoo, Chaeyoung and Dahyun to head into the showers, all 4 girls turning around occasionally in the corridor to look at Jennie and laugh. Jennie made her way down the corridor and saw Rosé behind Joy, the Australian could visibly see Jennie had a rough night "I didn't know you'd be put in with her" she mumbled looking at the ground, filled with guilt. Jennie frowned and rolled her eyes "Well, as long as you're ok, that's the main thing right?" the brunette stormed past Rosé, bumping her as she went by, the younger girl's eyes began to water but she managed to keep control of her emotions. She was very sensitive and genuinely felt awful about Jennie's situation. "Are you ok?" Joy enquired with sincerity which puzzled Rosé, unsure whether to trust a member of Lisa's gang, "Yeah I'm fine" she replied, forcing a smile.

Jennie had finished getting changed into her clean fatigues after the shower, still not seeing or interacting with Lisa since they left their cell. She breathed deeply and entered the food hall, she grabbed a tray and collected items for her breakfast, slowly starting to lose her disgust for the food. She turned around filled with nerves, unsure where to sit or what to do, she looked over into the corner, where Lisa and her gang usually sat. They were all staring at her, Chaeyoung, Dahyun, Wendy, Joy, Jisoo and Lisa, the blonde tapping her fingers on the table as they all fixed their gaze on Jennie without blinking. Jihyo tapped the shoulders of Irene and Tzuyu, alerting them and the other members of her group to the standoff between Lisa's posse and Jennie, who was stood the other end of the room, staring back at the Thai's table. In fact it wasn't just Jihyo and her gang looking in on the situation, the entire food hall was now in silence all watching the drama like a stage play.

"2 packs of cigarettes and a chocolate bar says the rich girl gets her eyes clawed out" Irene whispered to the table, Tzuyu smirked "2 packs of cigarettes, a chocolate bar and half a tube of the good toothpaste says they break her legs". Jennie took one final deep breath and slowly began walking across the room, towards Lisa's table. The mouths of various inmates gaped open, whispering and mumbles under breath travelled around the room as she sat down in the empty seat next the girls on the table. Tzuyu's eyes widened "Yo what the fuck", Irene also expressed her disbelief "How is she still alive what on earth is going on...wait, so who wins the bet". "I do" Jihyo said bluntly, still looking at the gang in the corner. The blonde hared Yeri leaned forward "she bust Lisa's nose, so why is she talking to the rich girl?". Jihyo briefly glanced over to Rosé, her mind casting back to the day before, and part of the conversation she over heard before looking back at Lisa and Jennie, "who knows, maybe she has something on Lisa". Irene raised an eyebrow, also now remembering the secrecy between Jennie and Rosé over some information on Lisa, "yep, maybe".

"So how much money do you have Jennie?" Dahyun blurted out crassly. Chaeyoung threw a piece of bread at her friend "you can't just ask someone how much money they have, it isn't like she's going to give it to you anyway you scrub". Dahyun responded by throwing the remaining little bit of liquid in her cup at Chaeyoung, causing her to scream as she dried herself off with her t-shirt. Jisoo quickly tried to swallow her food, irritated by the two squabbling girls, "will you guys quit it? You're acting like a couple of high school kids". Lisa rested her arm on Jisoo's shoulder, "Chu, babe...they are a couple of high school kids". Jisoo paused for a second with a half-witted expression on her face "...oh yeah". Wendy and Joy giggled as Lisa smirked, patting Jisoo's head like a little dog. "You don't talk much do you" Wendy said shortly, looking at Jennie in a way that made the former business woman uncomfortable. Lisa laughed "ah don't blame her, she has a headache" she cackled cruelly, causing Jennie to frown a little and look down at the table. "So what made you punch Lisa?" Chaeyoung asked while practically laying over the table with a playful smile on her face, Dahyun also leaned over "Yeah...and how much money do you have?". Joy rolled her eyes. A handsome warden with black hair under his hat walked over to the table with a big smile on his face "Hey Lis" he said excitedly. "Hey daddy!" Lisa responded as she jumped up and wrapped her arms around him. "Hi Jimin" the other gang members said flirtatiously in unison, batting their lids at the blushing young warden. "Hello girls" Jimin said sweetly. Lisa suddenly pulled away from Jimin "Oh! Have you met little princess yet? She's our new friend" the Thai said in another child like tone of voice. Jimin turned to the side to look at Jennie "Uh no I haven't, nice to meet you" the boy said shyly. "Gorgeous isn't she?" Lisa said softly as she ran the back of her fingers over Jennie's cheek, making the brunette shudder. Jimin nodded a little, blushing again. The blonde girl once again placed her arms around the warden's neck and started whispering in his ear, whatever she was saying was making the boy red in the face and Jennie noticed a distinct bulge forming in Jimin's pants. ~Christ~ the brunette thought to herself as she tried to look anywhere but at the icky display of affection, also not wanting to look at the gang members sitting around her either who were all talking amongst themselves and had seemingly forgotten about her presence.

Orange Is the New BLACKPINK. Jenlisa AUWhere stories live. Discover now