Criminally Stupid

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Lisa was crazy, absolutely without a question stark raving mad. At least Jennie was now convinced so. The night before Jennie had experienced the best sex she'd ever had in her life, at the hands of Lisa Manoban who looked at Jennie with such hunger, the brunette also felt as though she'd never been so desired in her life. However, as soon as it was over and both girls had...reached their destination, so to speak, Lisa switched. She no longer looked at Jennie with desire and lust, instead with contempt and repulsion. The blonde instantly climbed off of Jennie's bed, angrily put her clothes back on, threw Jennie's clothes onto her bed and demanded that the older girl get changed too. Lisa got into her own bed without saying another word and Jennie could swear she heard the Thai cry herself to sleep that night. The morning wasn't any less confusing for the business woman, Lisa once again rushed off to the showers without Jennie, then proceeded to the food hall, without Jennie then sat with the gang as though nothing had happened.

"Hey, Money. Are you listening?" Dahyun whined into Jennie's ear. "Hmm? Oh yeah, sorry. I was miles away" the brunette responded being brought back to reality from her conflicted thoughts about Lisa. "Miles away huh? Lucky you" Wendy remarked sarcastically, earning a smirk from Lisa and Jisoo. Jennie looked down nervously, though she was hanging out with the gang now, she wasn't exactly liked by the members yet, in fact she doubted she was even considered a member yet either. "So how many cars do you have? Do you have a Lambo?" Dahyun enquired excitedly, Chaeyoung also listening intently. "I don't own any cars" she answered, noticing the looks of utter shock on the two girls' faces. "What?!" they gasped, "but you are rich!" Chaeyoung yelled in disbelief. "I can't actually drive" Jennie said softly, a little embarrassed. "Then how did you get around?" Joy asked, joining into the conversation. "Well I always had a driver to take me places". Jennie's response caused Jisoo, Wendy and Lisa to all look at each other and roll their eyes, the class difference between Jennie and the other girls was staggering. Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Joy however were all completely fascinated by the brunette's fabulous lifestyle and gazed at the girl like she was royalty as she answered their questions.

Lisa avoided eye contact with Jennie throughout breakfast, not that the older girl was pushing for it, she was still very much terrified of the Thai. She couldn't help feel rejected though, it couldn't be that she was bad, Lisa definitely sounded as though she was enjoying herself and the hickeys all over Jennie's body certainly backed up that theory. So why was she acting this way? What had Jennie done wrong. "Daddy!" the blonde yelled giddily as Jimin approached with a beaming grin, he looked at Lisa not like a prisoner and a criminal, like she was below human, not like the way other wardens looked at the inmates, he looked at her as though she was the sun and that his day couldn't shine without her. She looked at him the same way. ~She loves him, so why the hell did she fuck me last night~, Jennie was getting more and more confused as the day went on.

Jennie made her way up to the library for work duties, her mind filled with thoughts, debating with herself endlessly. The brunette wasn't aware she was being followed. Jihyo and Irene followed Jennie closely, waiting until she had entered the library, they would get in minor trouble for turning up to their duties late but the financial gain they'd acquire was worth the punishment. "Kim, have something for us?", Jennie jumped, startled by her blackmailers' sudden presence. "Oddly enough I don't have money physically on me idiots, just let me go to the ATM real quick" she snapped back. Irene threw a pile of books onto the floor, smirking as Jennie had to pick them up again, "Sarcasm won't get you anywhere Kim. We know you get visitors, you're going to get them to take cash out of your account, then you're going to give it to us". Jennie puffed her cheeks out, trying not to lose her temper "And how do you expect any visitor to be able to smuggle cash in past the wardens hm?". Jihyo threw the books back onto the floor "The wardens here are equally as corrupt as the inmates, and word has it you know a thing or two about corruption Miss Kim. Bribe them". The brunette sighed in defeat "How much?". "5k, for now" Irene responded. Jennie's eyes widened "5k?! Are you fucking kidding me. What the fuck can you even do with that much money in prison? Buy your own fucking cell?!". The two extortionists laughed a little at Jennie's anger as Jihyo approached the girl, "You of all people should know how influential money is Kim, even in prison. Besides, we won't be in here forever". "So how long will this money last you before you want more?" Jennie asked sternly with her arms crossed. "We'll let you know. You've got two days to get us our money, or Lisa finds out everything".

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