The Escape Part 1: Tell the Truth

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The gang sat frozen, staring at Lisa like she had gone crazy, though she already kinda was. "Lis...we aren't at all prepared" Wendy whispered, still in shock. Jennie nodded "yeah we still need a couple more days to get the plan sorted". "We don't have a couple more days, we don't even have one. Joy is alone in that cell and someone is trying to kill her. If we wait any longer we'll be leaving without Joy" Lisa said sternly. Wendy frowned "we won't be leaving at all if we try this shit tonight, we'll get caught or killed". Chaeyoung slapped her hand on the table "Come on guys, we have the knowledge and the tools already, what are we waiting for!". Lisa winked at Chaeyoung, thankful for the girl's support. Jisoo nodded slowly while sucking her teeth, "I'm with Manoban and Chaeng". Jennie looked down at the table shaking her head while Wendy sat back, throwing her hands in the air in frustration. Dahyun looked at her best friend in disbelief, "you cannot be serious Chaeng. We haven't gone over the plan properly, or set it up well enough. Things have to be precise or it will all go to hell". "Yes exactly, this is going to be difficult enough as it is, once the riot starts, IF it starts, then we have no way of knowing what is going to happen" Wendy huffed beginning to raise her voice. Jisoo scoffed "Dahyun, Wendy we all know that shit is going to go to hell as soon as we start anyway, it won't matter how prepared we are, once shit goes off, we'll be operating on luck and prayers". Jennie sighed, starting to get irritated with how casual Lisa, Jisoo and Chaeyoung were being, "being properly prepared, to the best of our ability could be the difference between us possibly surviving something stupid and definitely not surviving something stupid. Yeah, once the prison goes into riot mode, assuming Tiffany has done enough to cause tension, then things will get unpredictable for us sure, but like you say, it will be dangerous anyway so why tempt fate? We need more time". Lisa started to gently rub Jennie's back in hope to comfort her girlfriend, "guys, I know this isn't ideal but need I remind you that there is a killer in here? Who probably has at least one warden helping them out, and we have no fucking idea who it is, they probably tried to kill Joy last night and she may not be so lucky this time". Jisoo clapped her hands in support of Lisa, much to the annoyance of Jennie, Wendy and Dahyun. "Joy, what do you think, you're quiet" Wendy asked the younger girl who was sitting uncomfortably listening to the debate. "I uh, I don't know" she replied awkwardly. Lisa leaned over and patted Joy's hand, "It's ok just tell us how you feel, it doesn't matter what anyone thinks about it right just tell the truth". Joy smiled slightly before deeply sighing "ok so last night really scared me, I don't want to die tonight, not like that".

Chaeyoung clapped her hands together once in celebration, "good, then it is settled, 4 to 3 in favour of doing this shit tonight, you're outnumbered dude" she said as she smugly winked at Dahyun, who was in absolutely no mood for her best friend's childishness, for once. Dahyun slammed her fist against the table "I cannot believe you right now. You are such a fucking idiot Chaeyoung, this isn't a game. We could die, do you fucking understand that?!". Chaeyoung's eyes widened in surprise, they bicker a lot but Dahyun has never genuinely yelled at her before, "what the hell is your problem Tofu? You were all for it the other day in the shower rooms when Jisoo was talking, what has changed?". Dahyun sighed "that was before, when I thought we would actually have this properly planned out. That is different to knowing I could die in a few hours. But you don't even care do you? I mean why would you, I have been saving your ass since we were kids. The only reason I am even in prison is because of you, because I couldn't leave you to do something stupid on your own". The slightly younger girl starred at her best friend for a while "what the fuck do you mean by that?". Dahyun shook her head "it means I am tired of carrying you on my back all our lives. My life has been dragged into hell because of you and I've always just gone along with it because I love you, but this is different. I will not die for you Chaeyoung". Wendy put her arm around Dahyun's shoulder "guys calm down, this is some scary crap we are talking about here and everyone is feeling tense, nothing is decided yet, being outnumbered doesn't mean anything".

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