The Interview

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Jennie fell back into her seat, unable to stand after the news. The table fell silent, only Rosé's sobs could be heard from the gang. "Did know?" Lisa uttered softly, racked with guilt. The Australian wiped her eyes, "I don't know, everyone was saying her cellmate found her dead, I didn't hear anything more than that". "Let's find out" Wendy said calmly as she stood up, the rest of the girls following behind her. Joy wrapped her arm around Rosé's waist, comforting the distressed girl as the gang walked towards one of the girls who had come in with Rosé earlier. Jisoo got the girl's attention and pulled her to the side "do you know what happened to Nayeon? Did she kill herself?". The girl shook her head "No, she was murdered. Found dead in her bed. I reckon it was her cellmate, I mean she alerted the guards that Nayeon was dead this morning but I heard the doctors saying she'd obviously been dead all night. Her cellmate said she thought she was asleep when she saw her yesterday evening, but how likely is that?" she gossiped excitedly like it was a high school drama. Lisa spotted a familiar face out in the corridor and the gang ran out with her. "Sunmi unnie!" the Thai yelled as Doctor Lee turned around to see the small group of girls coming towards her "Lis, hey how is your head?". "Better thank you. It's about Nayeon, is it true she was murdered?" the blonde asked. Doctor Lee nodded with a sad look on her face "I'm afraid so. We can't determine the exact cause of death until the pathologist has performed an autopsy but it looks as though she was garrotted. Don't spread this around though". Dahyun whispered into Jennie's ear on behalf of herself and Chaeyoung who were confused "what does garrotted mean?". "Strangled with a weapon" the older girl responded. "Do you think it was her cellmate?" Wendy enquired. "I doubt it. Her cellmate has no known motive, alerted the guards in the morning before she left the cell and there was no possible murder weapon in there. Plus she seemed genuinely upset to me, I've recommended therapy to the chief warden though of course she is a suspect for now. In my opinion, Nayeon was killed yesterday evening before lights out and posed in bed to look like she was sleeping" Doctor Lee answered in a quiet voice as the gang listened on in horror. Doctor Lee patted Lisa on the shoulder "I have to go get back to work now, as you can see things are very dramatic at the moment. Please Lisa, Jennie and the rest of you, keep out of trouble yeah? For me?" she smiled as she turned away and left.

Rosé fell backwards against the wall, sobbing again "oh my god, Nayeon, no" she wept as Joy tried her hardest to console her. "Holy shit" Chaeyoung mumbled puffing her cheeks out as the group tried to contemplate the news. "Do you think it was Jihyo's girls?" Dahyun asked. Wendy shook her head "Nah I doubt it. They're thugs but they aren't killers, besides Jihyo and Irene are the brains of the outfit, the other members wouldn't do something so crazy without their permission and obviously they're in solitary at the moment". Jennie noticed how Lisa and Jisoo were both silent, their eyes watering "Lis, are you ok?" she said softly. Lisa stared at the wall "I made her life hell. Nayeon's last days on earth were miserable because of me". Jisoo started to cry "I told her it was her lucky day...fuck". The girls all stood around in the corridor in silence, emotional and distressed until a young warden grabbed their attention "Lisa. The chief asked me to take you into the office for questioning". "Jimin...? what?" the Thai said as she lifted her head up to see the man she tricked a while ago. The warden looked worried "It is about Nayeon's death. You are a suspect Lis". The girls all looked at Lisa with wide eyes, shocked. "A suspect? B-but" the blonde stuttered on the verge of tears. "I'm sorry Lis, I know it is ridiculous I tried telling him that it wasn't you but he wouldn't listen, you were overheard threatening to kill her a couple of months ago remember? And you've been seen picking on her now suddenly she's doesn't look good Lisa but I know you are innocent and I'm sure everything will be ok. Just come with me and don't give the chief a reason to punish you yeah?" the young warden said as he held the Thai's arm and took her into the chief's office. Before he turned the corner, Jimin looked back at the group "other's are being questioned as both suspects and witnesses so don't be surprised if you get called into one of the offices too".

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