Corporate Espionage

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~Ouch ouch ouch. My fucking head is killing me. Do I even have a head? What the fuck happened~ Jennie slowly opened her eyes, her head fuzzy and in a great deal of pain, she woke to the unfamiliar sight of white walls and lots of beds. Didn't take her more than a few seconds to realise she was in the infirmary. The events of a few nights ago started to come back to the brunette gradually;

sexy times,




~Fuck, Lisa! Shit is she ok~. Jennie sat up quickly, instantly regretting it as she was overcome with dizziness. "Miss Kim you should lay down, you're still not well" a female doctor with a kind voice said softly as she brought some water over to the injured brunette. "Lisa, where is Lisa?" she replied holding her head. The doctor smiled placing a glass down onto the table "you won't have to worry about Lis for a while, she has been placed in solitary confinement for her little game, she must be bored again. Honestly she's in solitary confinement so much I think they should just name it the Lisa chamber". Jennie smiled back "I'm not worried about myself, I'm worried about her". "Yes, I thought you might be" the doctor began to chuckle to herself as Jennie looked at her, furrowing her brows with confusion, "Miss Kim I have treated a lot of women in this infirmary who've been assaulted by Lisa Manoban, I've tended to many a barely conscious girl mumbling Lisa's name, you however, are the first I've seen smiling as they did". The brunette blushed and looked away. "Plus those love bites of yours speak volumes. I can only assume she gave you those before she knocked you out. Certainly has a way with people, doesn't she?" the doctor continued. Jennie laughed while holding her head "Yeah not sure what I did to deserve this bump".

The Doctor moved Jennie's hand away to examine the brunette's injury, "Oh I'm sure she was just trying to spare you from the repercussions of her actions, Warden Park is in a great deal of trouble for his participation, I imagine the Chief warden will want your account of events soon". "Do you know Lisa well Doctor? You don't talk about her in the same way everyone else does" the injured girl enquired, noting the tenderness in the doctor's voice. The doctor smiled softly while writing something on her clipboard "Call me Sunmi, no need to be so formal. And yes I suppose you can say that, Lisa was quiet in her first 12 months here which is hard to imagine I know. It was during that time that I first met her, some awful thug that thankfully had to be moved to another cell block tormented Lisa for months, beat her so bad that she was in here for 7 weeks, I was only an assistant to the head doctor back then so there was less regulation on fraternisation with patients. Anyway my heart broke when this sweet teenage girl was in such a bad state so I befriended her you could say, we talked a lot, she told me about how she ended up here at such a young age, she insisted she was innocent and that her parents had launched an appeal on her behalf, it was to my memory that the appeal was going well, information only I was aware of at the time, outside of her family of course, she was expecting to be freed before the year ended, then suddenly the appeal was rejected for no reason. She...changed after that. I began to see less and less of Lisa and more and more of her victims" Sunmi sighed. Jennie's stomach churned with guilt ~Had to be my dad and his partners that screwed up her appeal~ "do you believe that she's innocent?". Doctor Lee gulped, unsure of whether it could be professional suicide to have this conversation, "...yes I do". The brunette sighed deeply, "me too".

Jennie was eventually discharged from the prison hospital and was escorted by wardens to the Chief's office, to be questioned about Lisa's escape attempt. Jimin was on his way out as the brunette entered, he discretely whispered in the girl's ear as the two past each other "You thought Lisa was ill". The young warden did not have the time to say anything more and hoped the girl heard and understood him. "Sit down Kim, I have a few questions", the Chief was dressed similar to the other wardens but his uniform was a bit more fancy. Jennie sat down at the brown wooden desk, feeling cold in just her orange fatigues.

Orange Is the New BLACKPINK. Jenlisa AUWhere stories live. Discover now